"Dune" (2021) Directed by Denis Villeneuve #dune #duneparttwo #denisvilleneuve

1 year ago

Long term readers of my deliberately non-spoiler film articles that ramble around a film rather than ruining and spoiling them, will attest that I’ve recently watched a Denis Villeneuve film from nearly a decade ago that’s based on a non-existent film that I’ve clearly made up, so perhaps you shouldn’t be here for a precise record and deep dive into this, his tenth all time feature length film. I believed his 2013 psychological drama Prisoners to be set within a lighthouse and nothing like the actual film he created! I’ve accounted for my liking (but not loving) of 2015’s Sicario, my unabashed love for Arrival a year later before, a year later still but based in the year of 2049, he created a worthy addition to the Blade Runner mythos.

So Dune should have been an easy sell but I watched 45 minutes of his latest creation a few months ago and with my disinterest growing, I switched off.

I’m a heathen and a let down to the film fan community I know, and combined with my real inability to write and appraise science fiction films without filling paragraphs with vacuous dross such as “It is a beautiful film”, perhaps I’m not the authority you should turn to on this film, but it is a beautiful film.

The above opening paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "Dune" I originally penned and published to my Medium blog site on 29th September 2022 and which can be read in full and for free via my Substack blog site linked immediately below:


This review also forms part of my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection" (£4.49 per volume) or all 7 volumes can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:



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