Operation Paperclip Debunked (the Alex Jones Myth of a "Deal" with NS dispelled)

1 year ago

After the official end of the war, Germany was raped in both a literal and a metaphorical sense. One aspect of this rape was the organized abduction of German intellectuals in possession of valuable competence. Some, perhaps the "luckier" ones, were forced to go to America, and there aid one of the destroyers of their Fatherland until their dying day, and many others were forced to spend the rest of their lives in Communist Dictatorships like the Soviet Union. But in the twisted gate-keeper-world of people like Alex Jones, this massive post-war violation of human rights, perpetrated by several Allies, this intellectual pillaging of a completely defeated country, has been taken totally out of its tragic context, and turned into the absurd notion of a covert NS takeover of America. This documentary will initiate you into the Truth, or at least the beginning of it.

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