Men Need To Be Heard Show (Ep: 3) Dads Dealing With Divorce

1 year ago

This week I’m joined by David Pizzara who is a divorce attorney who specializing in working with men.

David shares his experience and thoughts on a wide range of topics that affect men who are going through a divorce, dealing with family court issues and we even discuss how many need to be aware of how women prepare for a divorce.

We cover a wide range of topics including:
• Going Into Family Court For the First Time as A Dad
• How to Find a Good Attorney
• What to Expect When Going through a divorce proceeding, how to Prepare, the realities you will face and the realistic expectations you should have.
• How Family Court Judges think, are trained and how they approach each case
• The emotional aspects of going through a divorce and how, how you handle them can have a wide ranging effect on your case including custody, parenting time and in other areas.
• Dealing with the “magic bullet” of a Domestic Violence allegation and what you should do if it’s used against you.
• Dealing with Parental Alienation (check out Ashish joshi’s Book: Litigating Parental Alienation (Link:
• Contempt of Court…What to do when the other parent doesn’t follow the court order, How you file you motion effects the results, what you can realistically expect as a potential result

David was also kind enough to answer several viewer questions that we had on even more topics

I encourage you to follow David on social media as he shares a wealth of information to help dads:

Tik Tok:

You Tube:


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