UFO DISCLOSURE 2023: IT'S THE LAW! Schumer, Grusch & Burchett EXPOSE the COVER UP #uap #ufo

1 year ago

2023: Disclosure is happening thanks to Chuck Schumer, David Grusch, Tim Burchett, Lue Elizondo and others working to end the truth embargo of 80 years. We review the events that led to this historic turning point, including the UFO shootdowns that occurred in February 2023.

Read the full NDAA amendment here: https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf

#chuckschumer #davidgrusch #timburchett #congress #hearings #hearing

#LueElizondo #LuisElizondo #elizondo #pentagon #uap #ufo #nieuwerevu #uapdisclosure #congress #ufology #maxmoszkowicz #moszkowicz #congressdisclosure #nuclearwarheads #coldwar #ufonews #ufoscoop #nytimes #ufosightings #uapsightings #pentagonufo #pentagonuap #ufodisclosure #jamesfox #thephenomenon #robertsalas #nukes #nukesufo #malmstromufo #ufonukes #malmstrom #UAPactnow #enduapsecrecy #ufotwitter #uap #ufo #pentagonreport #pentagon #UAPactnow #EndUAPSecrecy #postmaloneufo #thedebrief Lue Elizondo #飞碟 #五角大楼报告 #披露 #divulgar #OVNI #НЛО #otchet #Pentagona उफौ, aria,l, अज्ञात, फ्लाइंग, ऑब्जेक्ट, प्राचीन इतिहास, प्राचीन, इतिहास, #ovni

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