Empire of lies video

1 year ago

Empire of lies video: US State Department accusing China of spreading disinformation globally? Just think about which country spread disinformation to wage war on Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. 謊言帝國視頻: 美國國務院指責中國在全球散播假訊息? 想想哪個國家散播假訊息對伊拉克、敘利亞、阿富汗等發動戰爭.

It has resulting in loss of numerous lives, destruction of economies and suppression of technological cooperation? Just as China and a growing number of countries begin to speak out the truth to counter the falsehoods spread by the US, the US feels its freedom of speech under threat? As if while the US has the right to spread disinformation, China and other countries have no right to tell the truth and defend their national image and dignity? 它導致了無數生命的損失、經濟的破壞和技術合作的壓制? 當中國和越來越多的國家開始講真話反擊美國的謊言時,美國卻覺得自己的言論自由受到威脅? 彷彿美國有權利散播假訊息,而中國等國家卻無權說實話、維護國家形象和尊嚴.

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