running is a gift

1 year ago

this year, the miles mean more.
For Gavin, a school principal, they’re a way to deepen his connection with his community. For Sam, a nurse, they’re a respite from the daily challenges of work. For Ash, a photo-journalist, they’re a reminder that each battle is fought in the moment. For Mary, an elite runner, they’re a road back to where she wants to be.

Director: Emily Maye @emilymaye
Voice Over: Malcolm Gladwell @malcolmgladwell
DP: Dustin Miller @dustmiller
Special Consideration to: Farm League @FARMLEAGUE

Editor: Catherine Bull

Mix/Sound Design: Joel Waters - Inner Echo Studios @joeldwaters
Color: Kath Raisch - Company 3 @kathraisch

Original Music: Xocoyotzin Moraza @xocoloco

Gavin Smith @gav0h
Mary Cain @runmarycain
Ashley Gilbertson @ashgilbertson
Sam Roecker @samroecker

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