New Mortgage Programs Requiring LOW Downpayments Revealed (In Honor Of 9/11)

1 year ago

Welcome back to America's #1 Daily Podcast, featuring America's #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join Tim and Julie Harris? or text Tim directly 512-758-0206

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The tragic event of 9/11 happened more than two decades ago.  This podcast is our way of honoring first responders by educating our listeners, real estate professionals, about how to help those who helped others and are still being of service every day.  We all owe a debt of gratitude to those who have our backs in times of need.

One of the best ways to help is to be of service yourself, as a professional real estate advisor.  Listen to all of these really great mortgage programs (most agents and buyers don’t know about these!) for first responders and consider doing any or all of the following:

1. Make a video about some of the special programs we’ll expose you to on today’s podcast. Send it to your database, post it on your social media, and submit a press release to your local media sources.

2. Take the information from today’s podcast and do a Facebook Live session or a series of Facebook Lives, inviting your friends and followers to learn more about these loan programs.  You can split the programs up and do a weekly series.

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3. Work with a lender who specializes in first responder types of loans, FHA, VA, and HUD programs, and interview them for a video, Facebook live session, or if you have a podcast.

4. Submit an article to your online and offline news publications about these available programs.

5. Create a First Responder seminar or webinar, in person or online.  Present at a firehouse (or several), or police station (or stations) and see how many people you can help once they know about the special programs they probably qualify for.  Bring your first-responder-program lender specialist with you.

In all cases, close the video, article, or session with a Call To Action: For more information about these and other special programs, call or text today at Your Phone Number.

Let’s take a look at some available programs to help our special first responders.  You all know people who can benefit from these programs.  What a great way to be of service yourself!  

FHA Mortgage Programs

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provides easy-to-qualify government-insured loans. These loans have lower down payment requirements and more forgiving credit requirements.  For example, first responders who qualify for this plan may be able to place a minimum down payment as low as 3.5%.

Requirements for these loans are typically:

Two years of stable employment, ideally at the same job.
Fewer than two, 30 day late payments over the past two years.
30% of the buyer’s gross income should be available to use towards their mortgage payments.
Monthly debt payments cannot be more than 43% of income.

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**Of course, other restrictions and overlays may apply.  Loan requirements are fluid and we, like you, are disclosing that we are not mortgage lenders! Ask your professional loan originator for the details and refer your clients to someone who specializes in these programs.**

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