Will There Be a Zombie Apocalypse on October 4th?

1 year ago

I made this video to talk about what's happening on October 4th, the emergency broadcast system, which people are worried is going to be some kind of 5G attack that will trigger the Marburg virus, which is a highly contagious form of hemorrhagic fever.

I do think there will be an EMF attack but I don't think it's going to play out the way that people are saying. I think the frequency of the broadcast will activate the Marburg virus but people won't see anything right away. I explain in the video that the best thing you can do to avoid getting sick from the people who will be shedding is to detox with zeolite, chl0rine di0xide, silica water and anti-parasitics.

Click the link for the show notes and links: https://www.annmariemichaels.com/will-there-be-a-zombie-apocalypse-on-october-4th-video/

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