The Satarè Mawè Tribe Painful Bullet Ant Initiation Ritual #bulletant #funny

1 year ago

The bullet ant is known to be one of the most poisonous and devastating insects in the world, being stung by a single one my lead to various harmful side effects and regardless of this, the Mawè tribe of Amazonian people of Brazil use this deadly ant as an important tool during their initiation rites for youngsters. They find a way of weaving these ants into a handmade pair of gloves and make young boys wear them for minutes, withstanding the excruciating pain of being stung by these poisonous insects as a means of transitioning into adulthood. Watch the full for more details and let me know what you think in the comment section, don’t forget to also like this video and share as well and most importantly, subscribe to this channel and turn on post notification to catch up with our future updates.

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