China Is Rewriting the Bible! Have You Heard About This?

1 year ago

Have you heard about China rewriting the bible? They have been planning this since 2018 and are on schedule to have a new Chinese version of the bible ready by 2029. The persecution of Christians is nothing new for the people of China but what this communist government is planning to do next is unbelievable. They are going to rewrite the bible in a way that makes Jesus Christ a murderer. The thought of this is unbelievable yet no one is really talking about it in the mainstream media. Bible prophecy warns us of these things we are starting to see come upon the earth but to see if happening right in front of you is cereal. As believers and followers of Jesus Christ we must keep our eyes open to the things happening around the world and be looking up because our redemption is very near!

1st Article-

2nd Article- 2019 In China, they’re closing churches, jailing pastors – and even rewriting scripture | China | The Guardian

3rd Article- 2020 China To Christians: We're Rewriting The Bible, And You'll Use It Or Else (

4th Article- 2021 Communist China Is Reportedly Rewriting the Bible and Calling Jesus a 'Sinner.' But That's Not All... | CBN News

5th Article- July 2023 Chinese Communist Party rewriting Bible, make Jesus violent killer (

6th Article- Aug 2023 The greatest story ever distorted: China trying to rewrite Bible? | Voice (

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