How to Talk Dirty

1 year ago

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Turn your lover on with words alone using these sex-speak techniques.

Step 1: Be specific
Replace vague murmurings like, "that feels so good" with explicit expressions of what is going on, what's going to happen, or what you hope will happen.

Step 2: Use crude language
Use raunchy language to describe body parts and sexual acts, as in, "I love the way you're bleeping my bleep."

Men should avoid words that might be deemed offensive unless they know their partner is turned on by that kind of talk.

Step 3: Whisper a fantasy
Whisper a sexual fantasy in their ear, and make it graphic.

Pick up lewd lines and sexy scenarios by watching some porn.

Step 4: Follow their lead
Follow their lead: If your partner is describing what they'd like to do or have done to them, they'd probably enjoy hearing something along those lines from you.

Step 5: Don't force it
Don't force it. The unsexiest thing you can do is say something that is clearly making you uncomfortable.

Did You Know?
More than half of people polled said dirty talk turns them on.

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