The Gospel of Jesus - The Rapture - Stay Awake, No One Knows the Day or the Hour

1 year ago

We as true believers look at the world much differently than do the believers and non-believers. We look at the world through the lens of Jesus Christ. Because we have a close intimate relationship with Jesus, He will give us a discerning spirit that sees the truth. The truth is, from a prophetic lens perspective, there is a lot going on that aligns very closely to what Jesus and the bible are teaching. I believe that God will send His Son to meet us in the sky soon. The signs that Jesus and Paul tell us about are being realized right before our eyes. It is happening with such speed and blatant disregard for God's word, love or reverence for God that it can only mean we are on the cusp of the Lord's return.

The Olivet discourse is a series of warnings presented in such a way that even the unbeliever can grasp what Jesus is teaching if you have an open mind and ears to hear. They are teachings that are timeless, for the current age and for the future. This means they absolutely apply to us.

The message to stay awake and prepare for the Lord's return has significant meaning for you and me. It means when the Lord returns like a thief in the night, we are ready to go. It means that you will be living for eternity in the kingdom of heaven. Preparing for such a day means you are willing to live the life that God has put before you. It means that you will develop a strong personal relationship with Christ. Jesus is the only one that will not leave you nor forsake you. He is the one you can count on to lift you in your trials, to love you unconditionally, to forgive you of your sins. He has paid the ultimate price and through Him you have a way to Heaven and His Father.

The bible is the inerrant word of God, Jesus is the Son of God, He is the only way to the His Father, He died for our sins, He paid the ultimate price, and when we repent of those sins and allow Jesus through the Holy Spirit to work in our life we find heaven. When we start there and believe with all our hearts that this is the truth, it is the beginning of the preparation for our souls to live for eternity with the Triune God. So when Jesus says "but concerning that day or that hour, no one knows...stay awake" How can you ignore the message from Jesus? Don't let time run out on you in this life because we also know that God loves you and does not want to see one of you lost to the lies of Satan resulting in living for eternity being tormented and separated from God.

My prayer is that everyone would see Jesus and know that He is the Son of God. That through Him you will find salvation, peace, joy and love. May the Lord breathe new life into you and may He turn you from a sinner into a saint by working in you and ultimately through you. May He open your eyes, ears hearts and mind to receive Him in a way that you will never desire to go back to your old life. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray these things Amen! Amen!

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