The END TIMES!—Special Guest Bob Yandian!

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In this live broadcast, Joseph Z and Pastor Bob Yandian analyze the times we’re in, throwing more light on the end times and what to expect. Pastor Bob reveals that he sees the world close to the coming of Jesus Christ, what with all the happenings around us and in the world at large. He goes on to bring more understanding into the eschatological discourse, exposing that, first was the age of innocence, and we saw how God introduced sacrifices before the coming of Jesus, as a means for men to atone for their sins. After the collapse of the innocence dispensation, there came the conscience dispensation where every man did what was right in their own eyes, to the age of Noah, the tower of Babel, and then the dispensation of promise.

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Moving on, Pastor Bob unfolds that the Jewish nation is the only nation that was started with an act of God, and every other one came from Adam. He goes on to divulge that the age of promise leads us to the time of the captivity in Egypt and to the dispensation of the law which lasted until the time Jesus rose from the dead. Then forty days after His resurrection came the church age, which is called the mystery, and the purpose of the mystery is to allow the church to do everything as Christ has commanded them. Also, Pastor Bob went on to unravel the mystery of rapture, explaining that the great commission was first given to the Israelites in the Old Testament before it was handed down to the church on the day of the Pentecost, and when the church goes up, it will again be given back to Israel.

More interestingly, pastor Bob continues to enlighten us, revealing that we’re not the bride of Christ yet until we are all purified of our sins and found worthy of the groom. He went further to expose that the church age is the best until the millennium. He further explains that there will be no devil or demons in the age of the millennium, and unbelievers will be gone from the earth, as well as, all fallen angels. Again, he disclosed that in the millennium age, the saved will have the resurrection body, and will go anywhere they wish, not by the speed of light but at the speed of thought.

Furthermore, Joseph and pastor Bob echoed that in Eternity's future, we will rule and reign with Christ. There will also be no satan as he will be in the lake of fire, and there will be no more evangelism as sinners will be no more. He further explains that towards the end of the millennium, heaven will rest over the earth, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Pastor Bob also went further to explain the church’s role in the present dispensation, exposing also that the antichrist will not reveal himself until the church is gone from the earth. He urges us to keep our eyes on the word of God and his promises, praying also for salvation for all those who wish to give their lives to Christ.

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