ADL very likely Bankrolling and the Puppet Master behind "Handsome Truth" & the "GDL" 卐=✡️

1 year ago

Handsome Truth and the GDL appeals to 2 groups: idiots and shills.
Crashing protests and yelling "Heil Hitler" while waving Nazi flags in front of the media so they lump people protesting things like "LGBT Grooming in Disney programming" with Nazi's to discredit the entire movement, yelling "Kike!" at people eating or from a moving vehicle at strangers, does not help White people one bit. It hurts those of us trying to wake people up to the fact that our countries/government/industry have been compromised.

This is purposely done so normies immediately associate intelligent and educated White people dropping Red Pills with puppets like HT, GDL and Goyim TV. It does however benefit the ADL and their constant calls for Hate Speech laws, that Joe Biden is working on. And what-do-you-know, the GDL openly stated that they support Joe Biden. Idiots who like Handsome Truth and the GDL lack the brainpower to notice this obvious ruse.

And isn't it uncanny that the GDL or Patriot Front seem to show up right after Biden gives speeches where he claims, "White Supremacy is our Greatest Threat"? Almost like it's on cue, because it is.0

In the last couple of years we have seen countless people become debanked and/or be put on no fly lists for opposing vaccine mandates and LGBT child grooming. Yet Handsome Truth and his GDL gang are allowed to fly all over the country and overseas unabated, and they have no problem procuring funds. How strange.

List of things Handsome Truth had done to his body when he was broke and living in apartments...

Gynecomastia (Breast Reduction) = $20k to $30k
Hair Implant = $2k - $5k
Cosmetic Dentistry = $15k to $20k
TOTAL: $37k to $55k

None of this is covered by insurance because it is not medically necessary.
All of this was done between 2012 and 2016 when he was working part time at his mom and grandma's restaurant, earning minimum wage. His mom said he missed work all the time, was buying and smoking weed constantly with his paychecks, bumming money off her and anyone who would float him a few bucks, while living in shitty apartment in Novato, with no formal education to fall back on, having barely achieved a GED.

Handsome Truth was being prepped for an acting role, likely bankrolled by the ADL.
HT's attempts at making "Jackass" rip-offs and his amateur rap career that was a dismal failure are a nod to his insecurities, addictive need for attention and validation, and someone like that is easily manipulated by deep pockets who can fulfill that wish.
The ADL has very deep pockets and they are well known for staging events to keep the con-artist group relevant.

Imagine not being able to spot super obvious reverse psychology. 🤡

🦁 🦁
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