Dystopic Journal, Neurotic Collectivists

1 year ago

The Neurotic Collectivists

The government is bringing back central planning, you know, because it's worked so well every other time it's been tried. Not for nothing, but central planning is a feature of both fascism and communism. Just Sayn'.

News item: The federal government plans to regulate nearly every appliance in your home from Just the News

The Biden regime continues to wage war on fossil fuels with its new proposed edicts regulating gas-powered furnaces. This will add to the cost of such items for what benefit and to whom?

This is further proof that you are not real to them, the collectivists. The true purpose of your sacrifice is to make neurotic collectivists feel good about themselves. Ayn Rand spoke at length about this mindset in her book “The Virtue of Selfishness.”

“Humility and presumptuousness are always two sides of the same premise, and always share the task of filling the space vacated by self-esteem in a collectivized mentality. The man who is willing to serve as the means to the ends of others, will necessarily regard others as the means to his ends. The more neurotic he is or the more conscientious in the practice of altruism (and these two aspects of his psychology will act reciprocally to reinforce each other), the more he will tend to devise schemes 'for the good of mankind' or of 'society' or of 'the public' or of 'future generations' —or of anything except actual human beings.
Hence the appalling recklessness with which men propose, discuss and accept 'humanitarian' projects which are to be imposed by political means, that is, by force, on an unlimited number of human beings. If, according to collectivist caricatures, the greedy rich indulged in profligate material luxury, on the premise of 'price no object'—then the social progress brought by today’s collectivized mentalities consists of indulging in altruistic political planning, on the premise of 'human lives no object.'
The hallmark of such mentalities is the advocacy of some grand scale public goal, without regard to context, costs or means. Out of context, such a goal can usually be shown to be desirable; it has to be public, because the costs are not to be earned, but to be expropriated; and a dense patch of venomous fog has to shroud the issue of means—because the means are to be human lives.”- Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness

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