Pastor Jamie Walden: Always Faithful (Semper Fidelis)

1 year ago

A powerful sermon by @jamiewalden756 on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ, who is the object of our faith!
Original Video:

SEMPER FIDELIS ["ALWAYS FAITHFUL"]: Faithfulness is both the sum and the substance of our walk with the Lord through Christ Jesus! It is our distinguishment, our mark and our seal, and the means by which we MUST navigate and endure this hostile territory all the way to the end!

Fidelity v. Infidelity is central to the entirety of the Gospel and of our human experience.

The only way to conduct ourselves with honor, courage, and commitment [faithfulness] in this late hour by having our eyes fixed on the One Who is "Semper Fidelis" towards us!

When we cease willing ourselves to be a great and powerful people of faith, but instead come under the One Who is great and Who is powerful and Who is faithful we begin to understand the position of victory from which we fight, persevere, endure, and overcome.

Join Jamie and CBBC Church as we delve into this Deep Matter of the Heart: "Semper Fidelis"

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