FF14: The Misadventures of Smu & @TheRealTombliboos - Route to Heavensward Patch 2.2 -2.5 [Part 9]

1 year ago

Smu and Tombi are back for more Final Fantasy 14 Gameplay.
In this extended Episode the lads are taking on the Post-Game of A Realm Reborn Patches 2.2 - 2.5.
Joining them as always is the John Wick of the Group: Myrrdin

Game: Final Fantasy 14 Complete Edition (Steam)
Chapter: A Realm Reborn Postgame Patch 2.2 - 2.5
Server: Adamantoise (US)
Character: Lalafell Gladiator/Paladin (Level 54)
Contains some Technical Mishaps, strong Language and Amateur Gameplay.
Follow: @TheRealTombliboos for his side of the Stream. Top Fella!
All my Socials: https://link.space/@SmuTheDJ
Tips/Donations: https://streamlabs.com/smuthedj/tip

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