Symbology of Divine Light and the unfortunate Opposite: Siddartha / OM / Nagas / Hua Hu Ching / Zen

1 year ago

- Zen and the Inner Flame pt. ii -
We have so much to learn from the ancient masters of Zen, but this learning is not just all love and light. There is a dualistic counterpart with this divine wisdom that cannot be ignored if one is to transcend the limitations of the black cube.
Understanding these teachings cannot be done with words alone. We have to dive deep into the allegory, metaphors, parabola and symbols to grasp the knowledge of what cannot be known.
Buried deep within the craze of misunderstanding, there is a (somewhat) lost codex that contains the original truth. The Hua Hu Ching is a beautiful piece of literature that captures the conversation between a prince and the wisest man to have ever lived.
- Origins of Siddartha, the first Buddha
- The appearance of Reptilian Anthropomorphs in eastern mythology
- Connections made between various myths and religions
- Ancient knowledge of quantum physics and time/space
- Gnosis only attained by direct experience
- The lost teachings of Lao Tzu
- Finding gems of truth amongst the chaos of falsehood made popular by todays age of confusion

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