Episode 147 - AUDACI ME

1 year ago

On today’s episode were asking big questions about big asks. Stay tuned.

Considerable quote:
“Now if selfreliance can make a man, how much more can God-reliance! This latter choice is more justifiable, more humble, more
sure, and more praiseworthy. Our own powers can only reach so far and no further. But the divine power is unlimited and unchangeable; therefore, he
who makes it his trust has a force at his back incomparably beyond all others.”
– Charles Spurgeon

Featured content:
Sanctus Real - Pray

How many times is the word ‘ask’ found in the New Testament?
A) 133
B) 127
C) 149
D) 564

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Uriah Wolfe
Tina Hensley
Piper Conn
Hailey Blackburn
Ross Parme

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