S3 Ep35 Superstition, Religion, and Don't Lie to Your Kids

1 year ago

Inspired by a post on Social media about "letters from heaven." and since it's Great Pumpkin Season, we look again at Christian superstitions (which aren't really Christian). We take another look at Th Great Pumpkin's compadre, Santa, in the context of dealing with our kids. We take the middle ground (again) and talk about how the truth is an important pillar of the faith. Santa is fun, Satan isn't Satan, Santa isn't real, mark these down.

The Lord said HE is the Truth. And while Santa is not that terribly important in the grand scheme, truths surrounding the Person and Work of the Lord are vitally important, eternally important. We're all fallible humans. We're going to get things wrong. But in the end, we will be judged by how diligently we studied and how we handled the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15).

PS: if you find books or videos in my possession when I die, it does NOT mean I agree with everything in them! I might agree with nothing in them. My Blog and Podcast, that's what I believe!

Related videos: Audio versions also available on Spotify and Spreaker

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