1 year ago

Between Spamton, LARPY, FellowDork, and The Denise MadCow 😡🐄 crews - ALL UP Into Mr. Cox's Business, and Spreading the Disinfo like they do, I wake Up Every morning wondering if today will be the day. Just Remeber The Rules Ladies, If ur Gonna come in Hot On Mr. Cox, Make sure ya bring my Parents BRC files From Phx - BOTH FILES FROM THE FIELD OFFICE AND THE BRC FILES AND ALL CONTRACTS. Thank You!

Until Then, If ur paid to watch me or blast me, U should quit ur job, and turn in ur dirty boss - I tried to warn ya Back in 2016-2017. . .

Dont Forget to catch up on the 101 courses before this next season of classes start...
Heres A Hint Of What We'll Be Going Over Next season of our Annunaukki Hunter Saftey Courses -


not yet


Keep Scrolling




Is Dr.PillPhil In a mmeat suit? Could He Possibly be a Repi, Or. a Naukki?
See Ya Next Season! Congrats to the students that graduated to the 300 level courses this season! Dont forget to go over this 101 course material if YOU SKIPPED IT.

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