Wind turbines at sunset reveal the majestic beauty of wind farms

1 year ago

Wind farms are controversial, with heated debate raging over their ability to provide power safely and efficiently. On one side, there are people who argue that there are health concerns surrounding exposure to electromagnetic waves. Others argue that they reduce property values and spoil the view. There are concerns about the effect on migratory birds and bats. Valid questions have been raised about the number of bird deaths due to crashing into the blades. On the other side, it is argued that transporting oil causes a greater impact on wildlife, especially when there are disasters and spills. Pipelines and coal mines affect habitat. We are far from understanding which method of energy production causes the least amount of harm.
But these towering giants show how stunning they can look, especially when seen against the golden hue of a spectacular sunset. A drone flying around this wind farm captured the images on a night in late September.
Farmers beneath the behemoths hurry to harvest their crop. The fall colours are spreading across the canopy of the forested areas all around. A gentle breeze was blowing. The sky was alive with colour and contrast. Perhaps all we need to do is really look closely to appreciate them.
The alternatives to wind farms include fossil fuels and nuclear power, both with an equal amount of controversy and debate. As our need for energy increases, our need to figure out how to harness it without negatively impacting our planet also increases. We cannot continue to affect the animal life and the air quality without paying the price.
Meanwhile, these majestic giants tower above us; immense structures that remind us of how small and insignificant we are.

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