Super Mario Bros Reign of the Koopa v1.1 Hack, Single Player, スーパーマリオブラザーズ

1 year ago

Super Mario Bros Reign of the Koopa v1.1 (smb, NES) - スーパーマリオブラザーズ

If you are the kind of person that likes games with nice graphics, this hack is for excellent for you. Super Mario Bros Reign of the Koopa v1.1 is hack of Super Mario Bros (NES) with modified sprites, levels and a different story.
The author modified the sprites in a way that it is actually hard to believe it is a NES game, because it is looking so gorgeous and for sure you won't see original games released for the NES with such beautiful sprites, I didn't think it was possible to have NES games looking like this until a few years ago I saw some NES hacks with very beautiful sprites.
This hack doesn't have only the nice sprites as a strong point, overall the gameplay feels very good, the levels and level design are also great and it is not a hard hack to beat.

If you are looking for a Super Mario Bros hack that isn't insanely hard with different levels and better graphics, I recommend you to try this one, I am sure you will like it.

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