9 mar 2023 - 08.03.23. Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam

1 year ago

08.03.23. Midweek Musings with FiFi & Sam. Major revelations concerning the scamedemic here in the UK via 'Those Whatsapp Messages'? Or more (albeit explosive) controlled drip-feeding via a limited hangout? Could it be a combination of the two? Whichever it may be (and we both have our opinions on this..) we're still seeing it as a positive from a broader perspective regardless...find out why! We also chat about the many ways in which we are being confronted by (our responses to) the fearfest churning away 'out there' and how some of us are finding ourselves pretty much strong-armed into having to deal with our greatest fears whether we like it or not! These are both terrifying and exhilarating times on so many levels, with both often being felt simultaneosuly, such is the energetic storm we find ourselves in. Keep hanging on in there warriors! 💪❤🙏

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