Fruits of Darkness

1 year ago

Sad to say but the Fruits of Darkness of especially here in this season of the year grown to ripen earlier and earlier... Time was when the Halloween season was just centered around the one night but now days it all begins and is prevalent all around us for full month if not more...

In Deuteronomy of the Old Testament, God told Israel to have nothing to do with the peoples of the lands that He was giving them... Stay away from their occult practices and idolatry... In Ephesians of the New Testament, Paul wrote that you and your former self was involved in such practices but now are changed as Children of Light. Again stay away from such dark practices... Jesus made it very clear that there are two distinct kingdoms... The Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Heaven, you can only live in one or the other... As Born Again Believers, one should cast away their former dark fruits and now, again be as Children of Light...

Everything to do with this Halloween season is centered around the very list of occult practices and idolatry listed in Deuteronomy that God had directed Israel and even us still today to stay away from... Just as at times Balaam was portrayed as a prophet of God, Satan masquerades as an angel of light and so does his workers of iniquities...

I can't make up your mind for you, it is all up to you to decide... You can go the way of your Fathers, or you can do as I have chosen... As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord...

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