RINO con artist Dan Meuser insults MAGA Rep. Matt Gatez- Oct. 2, 2023

1 year ago

Rep. #DanMeuser, the congressman from the rigged State of PA, actually admitted LIVE on cable news that the #UniParty's budget deals should be done behind closed doors, and that #MAGA Republican #MattGaetz, who advocates for up-or-down votes on separate spending bills so we'll know what each congress-critter is voting for, is acting like a someone in high school for demanding more transparency in government spending. OH, THE HUMANITY!

Last January Speaker #KevinMcCarthy promised several members in the #FreedomCaucus that he would put all spending bills on the floor separately for an up-or-down vote, and not wrap all the various spending bills and amendments into one big fat PORK barrel taco Omnibus Bill.

McCarthy got the votes he needed from these members of congress to get their vote to be Speaker of the House. But McCarthy, like any other D.C. swamp creature, lied and broke his promise.

Most of the pundits on cable news seem to be missing the entire point, or else they're deliberately ignoring the point all together. So in another 45 days, if we're right back to where we are today, then what can possibility change?

First, let's remind them that the CR that just passed didn't include aid for Ukraine. HEY! Thanks different!

Everyone's ire seems to be laser focused on Matt Gaetz's for his attack on Speaker Kevin McCarthy —and for his threat to remove the Speaker without even having a replacement for him, even IF Gaetz DID get all the votes that he would need to remove him.

But that's not the point!!!

And the fact that McCarthy broke his word about putting single issue bills on the House floor separately for a simple up-and-down vote isn't the damn point either (although, it's part of Gaetz's overall argument.)

The point is, that the media pundits and Matt's RINO attackers aren't addressing is:

Why does the vast majority of Republicans in both the House AND the Senate constantly make a show of complaining about "out-of-control spending" by the Democrats and "wastefully spending" and pork barrel projects . . .

. . . all while at the same time, refusing to change the appropriation process and embrace Rep. Matt Gaetz's (and the other members in the Freedom Caucus) idea of voting on bills separately instead of insisting every time of voting on CRs and/or all the various spending bills and amendments into one big fat PORK barrel taco Omnibus Bill?

If these RINO hypocrites refuse to budge on the budge process, then shouldn't they all just SHUT THE F*CK UP about out-of-control spending, debt ceilings and waste, fraud and abuse in government spending if all they do is pretend to be concerned?

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