Documentary Evidence - The astonishing story of MYRON C. FAGAN

1 year ago

Myron C. Fagan: The Illuminati and the C.F.R [Council of Foreign Relations] (1967)

This is an original documentary on the dauntless life and work of Myron Fagan, and just as Myron would say: I present documentary evidence for my claims! In this video I present FBI (FOIA) files, newspaper articles and(smear columns), Hand written letters to congress and the FBI, carefully selected audio clips, archival film footage, and seldom heard stories about Fagan.

From this research I have discovered the perspective of exactly what the big deal was about the “communists in Hollywood” and what was happening in America directly after WW2. Myron Fagan was a celebrity before he began working with Congress…so then what exactly happened that nobody (besides conspiracy theorists) has ever heard his name, much less seen any of his Broadway plays and Hollywood films?

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