When a Monkey walks into a bar and comes out a DNA Virus X

1 year ago

The River: A Journey Back to the Source of HIV and AIDS
How did the viruses transmit from monkeys and apes to humans, to cause the most important zoonosis yet known? And when? The earliest identified isolate of HIV-1 comes from an unknown male in Kinshasa, Congo, in 1959. The first identified patient with HIV infection and AIDS was a Scandinavian man in the 1960s, who had visited west-central Africa. Then came sporadic cases among gay men in the United States and among Haitians in the 1970s, leading to the global explosion in the '80s and '90s and the literal decimation of peoples in several tropical countries. Did the transmissions of SIV across species—and there were two or more some time earlier last century—come about through close contact between human hunters and their primate prey (dissecting or eating), or might the pandemic have arisen from a medical accident?


SCIENCE HAS accepted the possibility that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS is a variant of a virus found in monkeys and chimpanzees. But no one knows how it jumped the species barrier to humans. I am strongly impressed by evidence that AIDS can be traced to one early polio vaccination program.

Many in the scientific community and the establishment media deride such a notion. But the record shows that by 1961, many scientists worried about the possible danger to humans of monkey viruses in polio vaccines, which are usually manufactured using monkey kidneys. Indeed, when scientists learned that a particular monkey virus -- called SV40 -- found in much polio vaccine could cause tumors in young hamsters, they quickly banned from further use any vaccine carrying SV40.

Elswood and Raphael Stricker of California Pacific Medical Center have co-authored a paper, recommended for publication in a science journal published by the Pasteur Institute in Paris, theorizing that Africa's AIDS epidemic was spawned by a contaminated polio vaccine administered from 1957 to 1960 to at least 325,000 people in Rwanda, Burundi and the former Belgian Congo. This is precisely the region where the AIDS epidemic rages most fiercely and from which many experts believe it spread.

That polio vaccine was devised by Hilary Koprowski of Philadelphia's Wistar Institute, who began the scientific race to develop live oral polio vaccine. Koprowski, a former vaccine researcher for Lederle Laboratories, was the first to administer live, weakened polio virus to human beings, initially in 1950.

The Origins of AIDS -2004- Documentary

Simian Virus 40 (SV40) is a non-enveloped, double-stranded DNA virus with a circular genome that induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and lymphomas in laboratory animals. Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen.3 SV40 has been widely studied as a model eukaryotic virus,
leading to many early discoveries in eukaryotic DNA replication and transcription.1 SV40 vectors have broad specificity, can be
produced in high titers, and have high transduction efficiency.0 SV40 DNA sequences have been detected at a higher prevalence in
specific human cancer specimens, such as the brain and bone tumors, malignant pleural mesotheliomas, and lymphoproliferative disorders,
compared to the corresponding normal tissues/specimens.


Simian virus 40 (SV40) was discovered in 1960 as a contaminant of poliovaccines. Hundreds of millions of people worldwide were inadvertently
exposed to infectious SV40 in the late 1950s and early 1960s when they were administered contaminated virus vaccines prepared in rhesus
macaque kidney cells. SV40 had unknowingly contaminated batches of both the inactivated and live attenuated forms of the poliovaccine and
preparations of some other viral vaccines. Although primary cultures of monkey cells were known to be commonly contaminated with indigenous
viruses and safety testing was carried out, SV40 had escaped detection in part because it failed to induce cytopathic effects in rhesus cells.
However, when it was inoculated into African green monkey kidney cells, a prominent cytoplasmic vacuolization developed. Originally christened
as ‘vacuolating virus’, the name was later changed to SV40 to conform to a numerical system of designating simian virus isolates.

Concern about the vaccine contaminations heightened considerably when it was found in 1962 that SV40 was tumorigenic in newborn hamsters
and could transform many types of cells in culture. Subsequently, manufacturers treated poliovirus vaccine seed stocks to remove infectious
SV40, and screening methods were implemented to increase detection of infectious SV40 in vaccine lots.

Totally Ignoring Kennedy’s AIDS Denialism

When hostile journalists seek to destroy a candidate, they naturally direct their coverage where they believe he is most
vulnerable and do their best to ignore his greatest strengths. A shrewd campaign might use such biased reporting as a
road-map, one that provides the photographic negative of the issues that should be emphasized. So if the Times and other
media outlets seek to avoid the Kennedy assassination conspiracies, perhaps those are exactly the right issues to discuss.

But there is another incendiary topic on which the silence surrounding Kennedy’s position has been far more absolute across
both the mainstream and the alternative media, so much so that probably only the tiniest sliver of Americans are even aware of
Kennedy’s views. Based upon his extremely controversial writings, the candidate would seem so tremendously vulnerable that any
such media coverage would immediately destroy his campaign and his reputation. Yet not a single hostile publication has ever
reported those facts, suggesting that the true situation is actually quite different from what it appears to be. Perhaps this
total silence implies that the Times and other media outlets dread that subject, fearing that it could destroy their entire
media establishment if the facts came out and Kennedy were proven correct.

Until late 2021 I’d been only slightly aware of Kennedy, having vaguely heard that he’d become a leading figure in the
growing anti-vaxxing movement. My own views on vaccines had always been quite conventional, not too different from those
advocated by the Times, but I was persuaded to read his new book in order to get his side of the story.

To my utter amazement I discovered that the main subject of his text was something entirely different than what I had been led to believe.
Kennedy had devoted nearly half the length—200 pages—to promoting the theory that AIDS did not exist as a real disease and was instead
merely a medical media hoax concocted by Dr. Anthony Fauci and his greedy corporate allies. But not a single one of those describing his
book, whether supportive or critical, had ever hinted at this. Indeed, when I mentioned the true subject of Kennedy’s text to a couple
of people, they almost seemed to think that I was delusional, considering it impossible that no one would have revealed such a startling fact.

Large numbers of gay men in Manhattan donated blood for the experimental hepatitis B vaccine trial, which took place at the New York Blood Center in Manhattan in 1978. Extensive evidence supporting the man-made theory of AIDS is easily found on the Internet by Googling: man-made origin of AIDS; and in my two books, "AIDS and the Doctors of Death" and "Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot."

by Tom Curtis

Rolling Stone, Issue 626, 19 March 1992, pp. 54-59, 61, 106, 108, omitting photos and captions.

The timing seems right. A process called genetic sequencing, which tracks the evolution of virus by measuring genetic changes,
can read the molecular history of a disease. According to Gerald Myers, the federal government's chief expert in genetic sequencing,
HIV dates from about 1960, assuming it arose from a single, common ancestor.

There are natural obstacles preventing a virus from crossing the barrier to become established and thrive in a new species.
But it happens. And when it does, the virus frequently becomes much deadlier in the new species than it was in the original hosts.

In recent decades, some scientists believe, live-virus vaccines may have actually helped transfer viruses across species lines.
Perhaps the classic example is canine parvovirus, or CPV, which abruptly appeared in dogs in 1977 and within months had become a widespread
animal epidemic - or epizootic - on virtually every continent, causing entirely new dog diseases of the intestines and heart muscle.
CPV is intriguingly similar in its genetic structure to a cat disease called feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV), but it's even more
similar to the vaccine for this disease. This has led several virologists to suggest that by accident or design, the cat virus most
likely was introduced into dog cells in the laboratory, where the strain adapted itself to the new host.

A 1989 article in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine noted that case and a number of other cross-species transfers of viruses in
the context of AIDS. "It would appear," the piece said, "that the AIDS epidemic may be just one of the latest of several mammalian
cross-species viral transfers triggered by the techniques of virology developed in the 20th Century, which subsequently spread out of
control in the new host species."

SV40 was delivered straight into people's bloodstreams along with their Salk shots and via sugar cubes in field trials of the weakened
living virus developed by Sabin. Though it was later shown to cause cancer in hamsters and to "immortalize" human cells in test tubes -
thus predisposing these cells to cancer - SV40 has not been proven to generate illness in human beings. Nevertheless, researchers at
Johns Hopkins recently discovered that when they injected cells treated with SV40 into "nude" mice, which lack an immune system,
the mice developed Kaposi's sarcoma-like tumors, similar to those afflicting many AIDS victims. Remarkably, considering the large
numbers of people who received the SV40-contaminated polio vaccines, no one has conducted a major epidemiological study in the U.S.
to discover whether there is any pattern of illnesses caused by the virus.

Still, there are some troubling statistical associations. In 1968 a scientist in Australia described a correlation between polio immunization
and cancers in children past one year of age. Much later, German scientists found evidence of SV40 in 30 out of 110 brain tumors, and
later reports indicated a jump in the frequency of brain tumors among those who had received vaccine contaminated with SV40. And SV40
has been associated with other human cancers as well. After news broke about the monkey virus SV40 contaminating some lots of Salk's and
Sabin's polio vaccines, congressional hearings were called to examine the explosive issue. On April 14th, 1961, a rival polio researcher
of Salk's and Sabin's sent a letter to the House Health and Safety Subcommittee taking issue with growing live polio-virus vaccine in
monkey kidneys.

Sounding like someone who had come to his understanding through hard experience, the researcher - Dr Hilary Koprowski of Philadelphia's Wistar Institute - suggested that human cell lines be used instead. "As monkey kidney culture is host to innumerable simian viruses, the number found varying in relation to the amount of work expended to find them, the problem presented to the manufacturer is considerable, if not insuperable," Koprowski wrote the committee. "As our technical methods improve we may find fewer and fewer lots of vaccine which can be called free from simian virus."

But when Koprowski, Salk and Sabin were doing their initial vaccine development in the Fifties, little was known about the simian viruses, and there were no federal regulations stipulating that the viruses be grown in a specific type of tissue culture. No one knew then about retroviruses like HIV that might take years to develop, and so it was assumed that if no viruses had shown up in preparations after a couple of weeks, then those vaccines were clean.

In 1988, when researchers in the Washington, D.C., area reexamined an earlier study run between 1959 and 1965 on nearly 59,000 pregnant women, they found a startling connection: The incidence of brain tumors in children of mothers who'd been injected with the Salk vaccine was thirteen times greater than that of offspring of mothers who hadn't had those polio shots. Stored blood serum from these mothers still existed, and it was retested. The tests seemed to exclude SV40 as the cause. But if not SV40, what about the Salk vaccine might explain the increased risk of brain tumors in offspring of vaccinated women? The researchers asserted that some other infection was probably the culprit. After all, they noted, the Salk vaccine was known to have been contaminated with numerous monkey viruses.


Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention
In 1978–1981, the CDC conducted a hepatitis B vaccine experiment on homosexual men living in New York City,
San Francisco and Los Angeles. HIV/AIDS was first detected among the participants in the CDC hepatitis B
vaccine trial and quickly spread throughout the gay community in those cities. A body of evidence, including a
detailed statistical analysis of the documented time line of when HIV infection was detected in the men’s blood
and reported to the CDC. Dissidents who have studied the available published data are convinced that this
ill-conceived experiment precipitated the devastating AIDS epidemic in America’s homosexual community. The gay
men in the experiment were injected with a vaccine that had been made using human hepatitis B infected blood
which was injected into chimpanzees known to be infected with the cancer causing simian virus 40 (SV40); the
virus that had contaminated the polio vaccine.

The men in the Manhattan experiment had the highest rate of HIV ever recorded for that time period: 20% were discovered to be HIV-positive
in 1980, and over 40% in 1984. In addition, a re-examination of the stored blood samples from an AIDS trial in NYC by epidemiologists at the
National Cancer Institute in 1999, found that one out of five gay men (20%) tested positive for the new KS herpes-8 virus
(Kaposi’s Sarcoma virus in 1982.

Before 1978 no stored blood anywhere in the US tested positive for either HIV or the Kaposi’s Sarcoma virus (which was not identified until 1994).

An extraordinary PBS taped interview (1987) with medical historian Edward Shorter and Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Merck’s foremost vaccine developer
acknowledged that the polio vaccine (manufactured by Merck) had been contaminated with SV40. He also indicated the likelihood that SV40 is
the source of AIDS: “I didn’t know we were importing AIDS.”

He nevertheless defended the contaminated vaccine stating: “it was good science at the time because that was what you did. You didn’t worry
about these wild viruses…”
The taped interview was never aired for fear of liability; but it was submitted to the Library of Congress and in 2011 was posted on YouTube.


Dr. Leonard Horowitz - A Lecture on Emerging viruses, HIV, Polio, Hepatitis, Ebola

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