Spare the rod and spoil the child

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This week on Disaffected:

-The 21st century West is experiencing the consequences of jettisoning parental stewardship and proper parenting—from narcissistic outbursts to exploding rates of assault, rape, and murder. Those at the top of the progressive totem pole get away with anything they want, and today's moral angels are black people.

-Representative Jasmine Crockett of Texas brought the ghetto all up in the House Of Representatives this week with a head-weaving tantrum during the Biden impeachment inquiry hearings. You didn't know there was a Biden impeachment hearing? Are you curious why you didn't know that?

-Two young people of-no-gender are raising money to Escape to Trans Mountain (Vermont). Why? Because their like, totally phobic parents won't accept their identities. And also too Vermont pays for sex change surgeries as a human right. We. Told. You. So.

All that and more this week on Disaffected!

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