[Sanity Check] File #18: Chocolate Starfish Airlines

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September was a blur aside of Channel Work and some other things I will talk about, but it went DOWN meanwhile in the Other Domain! After the monthly scheduled checkup, we see how bad Airlines have it, Azur Lane Showing How It's Done, Some dude nutella'd all over the kitchen, Crooks FINALLY finding things out and much more!
Article Titles/Events (Because YT Hates Certain Links)
1:59:00 - “Hentaiger” Tiger Mask-Wearing Exhibitionist on the Loose
2:07:00 - This dude snuck on stage at Fashion Week wearing a trash bag and I don't think anyone besides security could tell
2:16:00 - Bradford mystery: Man dressed as Batman hands over suspect to police
2:26:50 - People Who Identify As Dogs Gather In Berlin, Prompting Calls For Animal Control
2:39:00 - This TikToker Just Covered His Parents’ Entire Kitchen In Nutella
2:51:00 - Germany's Football Team Wasn't Slick Here...
3:04:15 - Three-legged bear named Tripod breaks into Florida home, pounds back THREE White Claws, leaves
3:13:40 - Flock of sheep in Greece wander into medical-marijuana greenhouse, devour 600 pounds of Mary Jane
3:30:00 (STAMP NOT FINAL) - What a fine meth you’ve made - Journalist accidentally ends up naming baby 'Meth Rules'
3:44:00 - Mental Hospital Ordered to Pay 3 Million Yen for Forcing Hikikomori Into Care
3:52:00 - Johnny Finally Found Out!
4:02:00 - Tiktoker sentenced to 2 years imprisonment and fined $16,245 after reciting Muslim prayer before eating pork meat online (video)
4:12:00 - ‘Gay orgy’ at Polish church sparks scandal
4:21:44 - Palm Springs residents complain about proposed AIDS memorial “anus” statue
4:30:50 - How does this keep happening?
4:36:50 - Couple demand refund after Singapore Airlines flight ruined by farting dog
4:45:50 -Two passengers kicked off of Air Canada flight after complaining about their vomit-soaked seats
4:55:55 - Delta flight returns after passenger has diarrhea ‘all the way through’ plane
5:06:00 - "AITA for kicking my wife out of the house?"
5:20:00 - The Most Wholesome Ads From McDonald's Japan
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