5 Fascinating Old Age Conspiracies Explained

1 year ago

"From the Phantom Time Hypothesis to the All Seeing eye, these are 5 FASCINATING Old Age Conspiracies !

What year is it? The phantom time hypothesis

Today is September 29, 1719. Waaaait a minute, or 156,103,200 minutes to be exact, we live in the great year of 2016, not 1719. Whats going on here?

Dr. Hans- Ulrich Niemitz came up with a very strange hypothesis in the early 90’s, he called it the “phantom time hypothesis”

In essence, the paper claims that the early middle ages, 614 to 911 AD, never happened. Instead the 297 years in between were either added to the Gregorian calendar by mistake, or deliberately.

The main reasons behind this conspiracy theory are
There are many falsified documents by the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages
Multiple other “gaps” in history, including the fact that there was apparently nothing built in Constantinople between 558 AD and 908 AD.

The biggest reason this theory has any merit is the real discrepancy in time. To make things easier, here is a brief history of timekeeping.

In 45 BC Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar. Now the calendar had 365 days, 12 months, and a leap day every 4 years. But the math was not perfect, the “Julian year” was 10.8 minutes too long compared to the Tropical year (or the time it takes the Sun to return to the same position in the cycle of seasons)

By 1582, the 10.8 minutes had accumulated to a ten day discrepancy between the Tropical year and the Julian year. That is when Pope Gregory VIII (8th) decided to improve on the calendar,and fix the 10 day difference... and Thursday, October 4th 1582, was followed by Friday, October 15th, 1582. The Gregorian calendar is also not perfect, but it would take 3,300 years to rack up a 1 day discrepancy. (continued)

4.King Arthur’s Grave

King Arthur was the legendary leader who saved Britain from the Saxons during the 5th and 6th Century AD.

His existence is highly debatable, and the legends surrounding him are even harder to explain. The stories of Camelot, Merlin, Excalibur, and the Knights of the Round Table can be written off as folklore.

In 1136, Geoffery of Monmouth wrote his famous “Historia Regum Britanniae”,(The history of the Kings of Britain) where he talked about the amazing feats accomplished by King Arthur and the legend was born.

In 1190, Monks of Glastonbury Abbey had dreams and visions about the mythical King, they eventually shared their experience with King Henry II. Then Henry revealed a shocking old family secret, the body of King Arthur was buried in their monastery.

They excavated the area, and found the supposed remains of King Arthur. The King and the monks gained untold fame and fortunes when they displayed the skeleton for visitors.

When this story is told, it is rarely mentioned that those same monks claimed they had found the body of Saint Patrick and Saint Dunstan in the same area, just a few years prior. In addition,the monastery was in financial troubles. (continued)

3.Treaty of 1213


In the most simplified terms, the Treaty of 1213 was a treaty between Pope Innocent III and King John… in which King John pledged the lands of England and Ireland, and any other British colonies or conquered lands to the Pope and the Vatican itself.

The treaty is commonly referred to as the “Holy Alliance”, and it definitely came with scrutiny. Wealthy Barons all over England took up arms and made King John sign the “Magna Carta” (in modern terms it would be comparable to the Bill of Rights)... but there was only one problem. The Pope was very much against the Magna Carta and annulled it not even a year later.

Only two people made the treaty, and only two people could have dissolved it. They both died before doing so. To this day, the treaty stands. (continued)

2.Holy Grail and the Holy Blood

The origins of the Holy Grail story can be traced back to a 12th century French romance book.

The Holy Grail is the chalice used by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper but that's not what makes it Holy.

Joseph of Arimathea, an important person in the Gospels, and the man who donated his tomb to Jesus, used that same chalice, to collect Christ’s blood during his crucifixion. Since then, it has been rumored to be an object of immortality, and immense power.

So what's the conspiracy here?

1.The Illuminati

All the riches in the world are worth nothing compared to the power of the all seeing eye.
The enlightened ones, as they are called, control EVERYTHING.

There is not a single dollar printed, or a soldier killed without their word.

Every conspiracy, every forgotten truth or remembered lie can be summarized as “they” did it.

Who are they? The only way to find out would be to become part of their society, because without inside information, all we have is speculation."

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