Absolute Clown show with Headlines, RIP parasite Frankenstein, and would you please stand up for liberties

1 year ago

Just FYI, I am having trouble with going Live as I tried several times that ended up being glitchy, audio didn't sync, and with OBS issues that would disconnect & reconnect.
Who knows if I am being messed with and/or problems in our area?
That's why I am uploading until something can be corrected. Please consider one's time as well.
Would you please take a good look from all of the time & effort that I put into videos such as these? I'm not perfect and neither are you. There's other information so you can review at your convenience. The fact that I am not getting any support whether it's liking, sharing, praying, and/or donating shows me that no one cares and/or aren't seeking the truth and/or aren't doing their own research. The tools are right at your fingertips, just saying.

Please understand there will be those who will never be awake nor are aware of what's really going on. Call it cognitive dissonance, willful ignorance, and/or mass psychosis. Just so you know the battle is not just good vs evil, but the battle of the moralists vs the conformists, and the wise vs the fools. What bothers me are those who knew better, but went along with things that are wrong all due to "following orders" no matter how evil those orders are? I am well aware that the culture needs to change, including ourselves. The only ones that can change our surroundings are ourselves. There has been a war for our souls, including the destruction of the family unit. What happened to common sense with discernment? What about morals and principle?
Let's do what we can with the time that we have to improve ourselves, help one another, speak and live honestly. Because without trust and loyalty there is no meaning.
As I encourage you to seek the truth, self awareness, and do what you can to stand against evil and not comply. God wins.
I am dead serious about mass noncompliance, along with other things as well. Each of us does what they can in their own time. Please consider my time as well as your as well. BTW, our whole system is based on consent. There is so much to consider is it not? I would really appreciate any assistance that you can to support me. As we are the human species that has to pay to be here, thank you and God Bless.
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Articles and videos are in no particular order, please review at your convenience. Have no fear and armor up!

John Fetterman’s slobby clothes offer more proof the worst people are gutting America
Woke elites are defining deviancy down in order to accommodate the behaviors of criminals and the mentally ill while dismissing objectors as ‘haters.’  There’s no other conclusion to be reached: They are purposely corrupting our great nation.  

German homeschooling family living in US for 15 years may be deported by Biden admin
A petition urging the Biden administration to allow the Romeike family to stay in the United States was recently started by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association.
This family deserves to stay, please help them.
Congress considering bill to protect German homeschooling family from deportation https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/congress-considering-bill-to-protect-german-homeschooling-family-from-deportation/?utm_source=daily-usa-2023-09-30&utm_medium=email

New Biden rule would force foster parents to ‘affirm’ children’s gender confusion

Nikki Haley is wrong: a federal abortion ban is possible https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/nikki-haley-is-wrong-a-federal-abortion-ban-is-possible/?utm_source=daily-usa-2023-09-30&utm_medium=email 
DeSantis confirms he would sign nationwide 15-week abortion ban as president https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/desantis-confirms-he-would-sign-nationwide-15-week-abortion-ban-as-president/?utm_source=daily-usa-2023-09-30&utm_medium=email
Abortion is murder no matter what stage of the abortion ban as this fuels the murder of babies.

OUTRAGE: Maine high school slips antidepressant ZOLOFT into student’s secret take-home baggie, then calls CPS on dad for finding out and complaining about it https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-26-maine-high-school-zoloft-cps-corruption-drugs.html
If you refuse to allow strangers to drug your children is considered "child abuse". Mass exodus out of the prison and poison indoctrination centers!

Family Investigated for Keeping Teen Home After School-Based Health Center Gave Bag of Unlabeled Zoloft to 17-Year-Old
Treating Premature Infants for Respiratory Distress + Ultra-Processed Foods and Depression + More https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/wsd-treating-premature-infants-respiratory-distress-processed-foods-depression/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20230929

75 Ways to Say No to the Mask https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/75-ways-to-say-no-to-the-mask?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1094625&post_id=137531155&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1kzjnz&utm_medium=email

The New Abnormal: Authoritarian Control Freaks Want to Micromanage Our Lives https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/the_new_abnormal

Bill Gates suddenly abandons climate doom narrative as populations push back against globalism https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-25-bill-gates-abandons-climate-doom-narrative.html
This spawn of Satan is adjusting position to avoid accountability and crimes against humanity. Ba'al Gates deserves multiple doses of the vaccines and the noose for science purposes. Mass noncompliance is necessary!
Doctors warn about the “hidden harms” of bioengineered (GMO) “food” https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-28-doctors-warn-hidden-harms-bioengineered-gmo-food.html

Life In America Has Never Been More Unaffordable Than It Is Right Now https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/life-in-america-has-never-been-more-unaffordable-than-it-is-right-now/
10 Numbers Which Prove That The U.S. Economy Has Hit A Major Pivot Point https://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/10-numbers-which-prove-that-the-u-s-economy-has-hit-a-major-pivot-point/
The Permanent Strikes Continue: GM Joins Ford, Stellantis With Mass Layoffs As Result Of UAW Action https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/permanent-strikes-continue-gm-lay-2000-workers-result-uaw-strike
UAW’s Real Enemy Is Forced EV Conversion https://www.zerohedge.com/political/uaws-real-enemy-forced-ev-conversion

Senator Dianne Feinstein Dead At 90, One Day After Casting Vote https://www.zerohedge.com/political/senator-dianne-feinstein-passes-away-90
RIP Frankenstein! Since she is really Dead will continue voting beyond the grave. Because the Dead come to vote Democrat to maintain their power and control. Just saying.
Since she died on 9/29 on the 272nd day of the year. Add the 272 leads to 13. Add the 2+0=11. Another 9/11 reference?  Dianne Feinstein Has Retired or She Died And Should We Be Sad? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xCorsBzArY
Saying goodbye to Diane Feinstein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syeH5anFDFc
Goodbye California https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33UlRO__srM

This is Happening All Over the Country - Don't Let it Happen to YOU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY3x5hyvytc
Stay armed at all times, it's your right, as gun rights shall not be infringed. Remember "situational awareness".
This is another psyop to get people to stop using cash and depend on the Government for your safety. I prefer dangerous freedoms over peaceful slavery!
DeSantis rejects Trump’s claim of pro-lifers costing GOP votes as ex-president misses second debate https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/gop-candidates-discuss-pro-life-issues-slam-missing-trump-at-second-presidential-debate/?utm_source=digest-prolife-2023-09-28&utm_medium=email
These debates are worthless and a battle of who would get 2nd place? DeSantis and others should talk including Trump who refuses to call out Abortion is Murder! Nor would they stand on principle. These heartbeat bills still allow the murder of babies and thus fuels these murderous industries. Voting is a suggestion box of slaves.
Why vote for those who would rob & rule you better? As these politicians serve their corporate, banker, and overlord masters.

America Is Subsidizing Ukraine Farmers, Paying Pensions, And Small Businesses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUakA9IUIsA
 Around the 5 min. mark on Biden, the elder "jackass" and Kamala as the younger "jackass", in their native habitat, LOL!

Ted Cruz Says Michelle Obama Could Be President: She Get’s 700k Euros For Speech In Germany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dpmf5aUohx8
Don't need an Obama 4th term.
Biggest Republican Debate Clown Show Ever Last Night! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIdw6xZWa1w
 Nanshee - Rich Folks Of Rich Town https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXfBIL9AM0w This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6fwBlGIcDc

US To Keep Paying Salaries For Tens Of Thousands Of Ukrainians During Government Shutdown https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-keep-paying-salaries-tens-thousands-ukrainians-during-government-shutdown

Zelensky Says He Met BlackRock CEO and Other Finance Leaders in US Trip https://news.antiwar.com/2023/09/24/zelensky-says-he-met-blackrock-ceo-and-other-finance-leaders-in-us-trip/ Zelensky asks controversial occult artist Marina Abramović to be ambassador for Ukraine
 Satanism is more mainstream. They must know they will lose and God wins.
NYC Mayor Eric Adams inducted as highest-level Freemason during city mansion ceremony
 The city's police commissioner was also installed as a 'Master Mason.'
Figures....they are in the 33rd degree Masons....all by design. Adams is one evil psychopath and isn't the only one.
REVIEW! Ahsoka E7: A MONUMENTAL Waste of Time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiWovf671vQ
 It's not only woke, but Satanism is mainstream and they are going full agendas and aren't hiding their true colors.
Breaking: RFK Jr. to Announce Independent Run for U.S. President? https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rfk-jr-announcement-independent-run-u-s-president/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20230929

Tucker Carlson slams abortion as ‘human sacrifice’: ‘This is a spiritual battle’
 'The one unalloyed source of joy in your life is your children,' Tucker Carlson told Ohioans. 'The point of life is to have children, and to watch them have grandchildren. Nothing will bring you joy like that will. Nothing comes close!'

Who Will Be Affected by a Government Shutdown? Not Ukrainians, Just Americans. https://www.theorganicprepper.com/government-shutdown/

Senate Announces Stopgap Funding Bill That Includes $6.2 Billion for Ukraine https://news.antiwar.com/2023/09/26/senate-announces-stopgap-funding-bill-that-includes-6-2-billion-for-ukraine/
 So it's another $6.2 billion to Ukraine and another $6 billion for natural disasters, when in fact fuels weather warfare for agenda 2030 purposes. Notice the 66 in the financing for these agendas, reveals how desperate these evil doers are.

Now the Clintons Are Getting Involved in Ukraine https://www.theorganicprepper.com/clintons-ukraine/

Australian Media Says Country Will Be ‘Functionally Cashless’ By 2025, As Nation Continues To Push Digital IDs And Implantables To Pay https://winepressnews.com/2023/09/28/australian-media-says-country-will-be-functionally-cashless-by-2025-as-nation-continues-to-push-digital-ids-and-implantables-to-pay/

Study Predicts 90% Of Internet Will Be Generated By AI By 2026 https://winepressnews.com/2023/09/28/study-predicts-90-of-internet-will-be-generated-by-ai/

Tyranny In The UK: Rumble Executives Threatened With ARREST?? https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/tyranny-in-the-uk-rumble-executives-threatened-with-arrest/

Never Trust Hollywood Actors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wNJcBBGlSs
Glenn Greenwald Weighs in on Russell Brand and the ‘War on Rumble’ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/glenn-greenwald-russell-brand-rumble-free-speech/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20230928

Rumble refuses UK demand to demonetize influencer over unproven allegations https://frontline.news/post/rumble-refuses-uk-demand-to-demonetize-influencer-over-unproven-allegations

Russell Brand’s Demonetization Is Not a Bug of the Emerging Financial Order, but a Feature
In her new book 'You Will Own Nothing,' the author Carol Roth writes of a new financial world that's emerging in which governments and corporations decide what behaviors are good and what behaviors are bad.

Biden Health Dept Moves to Erase ‘Father’ and ‘Mother’ From Childcare Law https://catholicvote.org/biden-to-erase-father-mother/?inf_contact_key=904fa6f7466d45e7f15620cfefda126bf651f238aa2edbb9c8b7cff03e0b16a0

Biden Administration Orders American Airlines to Reinstate Contact Tracing
All flights returning to the US now require a submission to the UN-sponsored WEF contact tracing program!

WEF Pushes Criminalizing “climate inaction” https://www.activistpost.com/2023/09/wef-pushes-criminalizing-climate-inaction.html
Climate Crisis Activists Seek To Put Meat On Their List Of Banned “Fossil Fuel” Adverts https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/climate-crisis-activists-seek-to-put-meat-on-their-list-of-banned-fossil-fuel-adverts

Jabbed-up Jimmy Kimmel, who once said hospitals shouldn’t treat the unvaccinated, cancels live show after contracting COVID https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-26-jimmy-kimmel-cancels-show-after-contracting-covid.html
Wouldn't be surprised these high profile Covid cancellations are all part of pushing the Vaccine/Depopulation bioweapon scare tactic? Good news more are waking up to the lies and aren't complying.

Meat From Animals Vaccinated With mRNA Vaccines May Soon Make Its Way Into The US Food Supply https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/meat-animals-vaccinated-mrna-vaccines-may-soon-make-its-way-us-food-supply

CIA Building Own ChatGPT-style AI Bot In Shadow Of China's Advances https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/cia-building-own-chatgpt-style-ai-bot-shadow-chinas-advances
New York Bans Facial Recognition Technology in Schools https://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2023/09/new-york-bans-facial-recognition-technology-in-schools/
Benjamin Fulford — September 25th 2023: It really will be a Red October this year https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2023/09/benjamin-fulford-september-25th-2023-it-really-will-be-a-red-october-this-year/

BREAKING: UK Police Side With Anti-ULEZ Protesters' Right To Block The ULEZ Extortion Vans' Cameras https://rumble.com/v3lfacd-breaking-uk-police-side-with-anti-ulez-protesters-right-to-block-the-ulez-e.html
C19 CAMP DEATHS: 2+ Homeless People SHOCKINGLY DIE In Washington Covid Concentration Camp Lockdown! https://rumble.com/v3lnxar-c19-camp-deaths-2-homeless-people-shockingly-die-in-washington-covid-concen.html
Tim Truth https://rumble.com/c/TimTruth

Sliding scale of propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj_lLns_gv4 https://odysee.com/@TheBigsib:f/september-26,-2023:c
 These covid jabs aren't safe nor effective enough to change your DNA. The same DNA that the most High created us with. Praise Jesus Christ, armor up!
Cockroaches squirming! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11oTa3bekFM https://odysee.com/@TheBigsib:f/cockroaches-squirming!:b
 TheBigSib said as follows: "Remember public hearings can be judicially noticed as facts. If osha,hhs or rather cms, didn't have the authority, how come millions lost their jobs? Center for Medical Services (CMS) is the culprit for all nurses and doctors to lose their jobs, which is created under the HHS department.
There's a reason I save these..."
More lies and a constant stream of it. Questions of real justice for crimes against humanity.
Link to one of TheBigSib's studies titled "Who are you, I don't know". Information is on page 10 out of 11. This is about the journey of the ups and the downs. As the Bid Sib said, “As true freedom is liberty without the use of coercion, the same that God gave man.” https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2023/07/02/reader-truthisunbreakable-mankind-will-always-desire-control-and-power/

Facts and evidence presented concisely!! https://odysee.com/@TheBigsib:f/facts-and-evidence-presented-concisely!!:a
15-Minute City: This Statement Should Be Read At Every City Council Meeting In America https://www.technocracy.news/15-minute-city-this-statement-should-be-read-at-every-city-council-meeting-in-america/

An Open Letter To World Leaders https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/an-open-letter-to-world-leaders?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
December 1, 2023 is the deadline to REJECT the amendments that were adopted on May 27, 2022. Your SILENCE on this issue IS your CONSENT.
Try the Spirits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1YNARIyCS8

Chris Christie's ZINGER Donald Duck Joke; Should He Fire His Writers? (with Carl Benjamin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qe7-WBz0wC8
GO REDSKINS! Alex Joins Native American Fight To SAVE Culture | Guests: Jesse Lee Peterson | Ep 98 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofOIImXcc4U

Primetime with Alex Stein https://www.youtube.com/@PrimeTimeAlexStein
The Healthy American with Peggy Hall https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bWZSESyGIP2E/
The News is Fake 4 https://www.youtube.com/@thenewsisfake4923
neverlosetruth1 https://www.youtube.com/@neverlosetruth1932
Jeff Synder 2 https://www.youtube.com/@jeffsnyder210 Tim Truth https://rumble.com/c/TimTruth
TheBigSib https://www.youtube.com/@TheBigsib https://odysee.com/@TheBigsib:f

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