🚨🐙OCT411 MISSING Long List🔥🏠

1 year ago

DUMB meters can catch on fire! But there is so much more they can do! 😳😬
I'm even wondering if this might be the precursor or lit fuse to fulfillment of the FIRST SHOFAR TRUMPETING?!? (Rev.8) Here's a question I have for ALL of you; Has your street or yard had some digging done for telecommunications and/or internet fiberoptic cable line updates, within the past 2 or 3 years? Ever wonder what [else] they might have REALLY laid into the ground? Once upon a time.. we knew that there was FREE ENERGY abundantly available from the Sun and our electromagnetic atmosphere and planet, Earth! "They" decided it would not be beneficial to their bottom line, greedy profit, so withdrew evolving technology, tore down, destroyed and hid it away from us. Evidence, such as beautiful cities and the World Fairs showing marvelous inventions were proof of this. They burned down many cities and deconstructed everything else. TRUE! FACT!

How are all others MISSING the Oct. 4 & 11 date combination?!?

Not one to FEAR MONGER, instead I wish to inspire courage, bravery and positivity, through Faith! However, have you never read the prophesies about fire being sent down from heaven and eyes melting in their sockets, just to mention a couple? I'm no Chicken Little, but am the boy crying "WOLF!" It's for you to decide, and time will tell, whether I'm shouting out for the 2nd or 3rd time.
NUMBERS 6:24-26

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