WTFR The Pushback 27-09-2023

1 year ago

My my this is a long long show. So long in fact that there are now holes worn in the rectangular table from everyone's elbows whilst we put the world to rights.

Alongside Joss, Colin, Leo & Emma (the star lady), we were joined by Ben, Chris (the other Chris) & a new guy David, all of whom chimed in about how grim things are under communist occupation...

You mean you didn't know? Look at the evidence: all of our institutions have been taken over by "wokeness" which is a direct attack against the very foundations of our history (good & bad but it's still OUR history). Like for example, there's no way a 16 year old could possibly cut down a giant sycamore tree on his own - certainly not in the manner it was felled. I almost guarantee it was a coordinated effort by communists who despise our way of life, & they will stop at nothing to demoralise us. Where are they going to attack next, Stonehenge? I wouldn't put it past them for one second.

Everything we read in the papers is there to drag us down, so the newspapers are compromised. No politicians with any clout seem interested in stopping Net Zero, therefore they are all compromised. Most jobs people apply for now come with prerequisites like "diversity training" which mean all HR departments (& indeed the bosses who turn a blind eye to their Marxist activities) are compromised. There's barely anywhere anyone can turn without running into something which is unsettling &/or offensive to our core, yet we are accused of intolerance if our opinions are at odds with such intolerable *impositions meted out by infilTRAITORS.

*Imposition: an excessive or uncalled-for requirement or burden - Merriam-Webster.

***TRIGGER WARNING*** There may be some strong language & harsh truths in this episode.

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