Fluoride Calcifies Pineal Gland = ALZHEIMERS

1 year ago

Deep State Secrets Revealed

This just in : Dr. Jan and the end of the Deep State USA Corporation - https://youtube.com/shorts/pZFsFQpVDUI?si=MFI1YhEZANbXnoEk

1.) https://rumble.com/v3f7bwi--explosive-whistleblower-testimony-exposing-mike-pence-rod-rosensteins-dirt.html

2.) Derek Johnson & Michael Jaco


3.) General Tom McInerney https://rumble.com/v3f7bwi--explosive-whistleblower-testimony-exposing-mike-pence-rod-rosensteins-dirt.html

4.) https://rumble.com/v3etidg--2023-09-01-juan-o-savin-w-amp-its-only-a-matter-of-time-now.html

5.) https://rumble.com/v3d7epa--aug-28-2023-dr.-jan-halper-w-the-big-mig-the-military-is-in-charge-trump-i.html

6.) https://rumble.com/v3crqxk-mirror-trump-truth-summer-blockbuster-the-movie-a-must-watch-maga.html

7.) https://rumble.com/v39uo80--2023-08-18-special-report-nino-w-dr.-jan-halper-us-military-calculating-th.html

8.) https://rumble.com/v39jw22--2023-08-16-triple-header-juan-o-savin-w-meri-crouley-amp-sherry-b-maga-wil.html

☠️ Death 💀 Ray ☠️ City 💀

1.) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82qBBKk/

2.) Truth Behind Maui Fires 🔥


Alex Collier Classic Reptilian Video


Tampa Fireball 09/06/23


Nibiru / 2nd Sun
☀️ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82PLkaG/


MEDBEDS https://youtu.be/pTwEZ49gfhQ?si=_W6enWMubUdlTRua


1.) Semi Transparent UFO


2.) Planet X News https://youtu.be/9NZPvxIQJPM?si=U3vnI06SP44UV9mK

Aspartame Toxicity :

1.) Carcinogen - https://www.who.int/news/item/14-07-2023-aspartame-hazard-and-risk-assessment-results-released

2.) Aspartame Poisoning : Aspartame Poisoning

3.) Toxicity Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8227014/

4.) Not for certain people who like 👍 to stay alive to watch their children give them grand babies 👶 https://www.hhs.gov/answers/public-health-and-safety/is-aspartame-safe/index.html

Ex-Fucking Military Seals and Rangers, etc
Kicking Ass and Arresting Corrupt Asshole Keystone Cops 👮‍♀️ …. Fuckin making history !! From one of my Veteran friends !!!!! More to come soon 🔜!!!!!

This also verifies long time stories out of Best News Here and a couple other sites about ongoing executions at Guantanamo Bay under the watchful eye 👁️ of Admiral Darse “ Del” Crandall!!!

Yeahhhhhhhhh !!!!

Report # 1 https://www.facebook.com/JeniSpring/videos/3443820679200517/?mibextid=KPDiXm

Report # 2 Operation Blue Roof !!
Is it a Trap 🪤!?!?
Laser weapons can be programmed to torch some colors instead of others !!!


The Joe Biden Clone Sez - https://www.facebook.com/JeniSpring/videos/256395500055593/?mibextid=KPDiXm

Conflict of Interest? Maui Police Chief Who Oversaw Emergency Response at Vegas Mass Shooting Also Serves as Maui Coroner!

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