SHOCKING DISCLOSURE – Dr. Steven Greer – Hidden Technology that could Change Humanity Overnight

1 year ago

This is a Good One.

All of humanity has been enslaved in a paradigm due to the technologies that have existed for 100 plus years, that have been sequestered, illegally confiscated and hidden away from the public. Our entire system is geared towards the profits of a very small group of people.

We have to figure out how to get out of this global slavery.

Zero Point Energy - Tesla had figured this out. We have these technologies but the "elite" will not release it as it would be Free Energy and they are about money and power. With free zero-point generators in our residents, we the people would truly have the power as the energy would be free as it's taken from the space fabric - the ether around us. We would not be dependent on Centralized Energy Systems. This could liberate the entire planet.

This technology has been available for over a hundred years.

What Dr. Greer is advocating to be released would eliminate oil, gas, coal, nuclear power, jets, surface roads, rockets, and uranium. It would be the biggest macroeconomic change in the history of humanity.

This would instantly remove over a $Quadrillion of the global elites (slave masters) assets. They are totally against this; they love their control over humanity.

Zero-Point Energy leaders goes back to the late 1800's with Maxwell, Faraday and Tesla mastered it by 1908 to run farms with free electric. Floyd Sweet is another one, a quantum vacuum triode amplifier which was a device just a little bit bigger than a cigarette package that was putting out enough energy to run a 300 HP electric motor to run a car. Shortly after this was revealed he dropped dead and a black van came and took all his stuff, this was in the 1980's. They did the same to Tesla in 1943.

Tik-Tac - antigravity craft developed by Lockhead Martin Skunk Works over 60 years ago.

There have been civilizations on this planet that were much more advanced than we are.

The problem is not Russia or China but this secret military program with this technology and now they have scalar and direct energy weapons. The ones in possession of these technologies are insane and want to depopulate 90% of us. We have to get this back to the people quickly before they off us.

Is there an illegal secret government? Yes, and they have their own military and operate free of the law. The militaries around the world we see are side circus shows developed to maintain the illusion / matrix / fake reality.

ARB's - Alien Reproduction Vehicles - they use these antigravity cloaked massive 300-foot diameter vehicles to traffic drugs.

Dr. Greer says he has been working with a group of people in the government for the past 16 months and he has given them enough Actionable Intelligence that they now ready to get the evil ones under control. It HAS to be done within the next year -- for reasons Dr. Greer doesn't want to get into because it would scare the SHIT out of everyone listening.

In the past 3 months, 60 new top military whistleblowers have come forward.

Everyone needs to write to their Senators and Congressman and ask them to take action on this and reference the disclosure project. Go here for the contact info and the template letter to send them and it only takes a few clicks.
**Note: This was in June 2023, but still write them and inform them that Congressional control of these illegal programs is critical. There must be open hearings where the whistleblowers can testify openly for all to hear. They MUST get these illegal operations under control by any means necessary. Dr. Greer says they are currently involved with activities that will threaten the entirety of the human species and he says he can say that with no exaggeration. The issue is at the gravest proportions. It is an existential threat right now.

The ET Civilizations in space are not hostile to humans and they are very unhappy with this illegal covert group.

If people think the best weapons on the planet are thermal nuclear, you are sadly mistaken. They now have Scalar Longitudinal Systems utilizing quantum entangled energy. It’s not like going from point A to point B, with scalar it obliterates the space.

I don’t think people can grasp the significance of this. You can target something a light year away and the weapon reaches it INSTANTANEOUSLY.

Dr. Greer says they have used these in space and it has definitely got the attention of aliens.

Thus, alien civilizations are helping as much as they can without tripping the cosmic trip wire. If they did come the secret gov would convince our morons leading the visible government to give them $ Trillions of dollars to defend an Alien attack.

The ET’s are in a catch 22, if we – are lame duck pussy ass congress does nothing, then the aliens are at risk, but if they intervene, they will be perceived as the Space Invaders.

We have to fix this.

But the elected ones representing us lack the courage to act.

The evil ones have these covert spots all over the world and they could with the help of the CIA media, make it appear as an alien invasion.

In 1990, humans from 500,000 years in the future came and said get off the course you are on or we, you future generations will not exist.

We went off course from 1955 to 1960, when Eisenhower lost control of these projects.

Dr. Greer said we staged the Alien cattle mutilations and human abductions. Why? Because they want people to fear and hate them. It is conditioning for the future alien attack. They want to unite the world not in peace and love but in war, control and centralized power – NWO.

Dr. Greer says: “we are dealing with an organization that has technology a 1,000 years ahead of our Pentagon.”

So we have absolutely ZERO chance to win a physical war with the military we know.

Dr. Greer says George H.W. Bush was a member of this secret covert group.

Don’t fear this group!

FEAR=Fake Evidence Appearing Real

Sources below.

The Lost Century: And How To Reclaim It -

Learn more:

Streaming link FREE to the press conference:

**MUST WATCH: Dr. Steven Greer – FULL National Press Club Event:

Link to your representatives and template letter:


Dr. Steven Greer on YouTube: @DrStevenGreer55

SOURCE: Mirror from Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation – Michael has good stuff and over 330 k subscribers – he is a good source, with great interviews.

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