BLN4 Fifth Gen Warfare -Dr. Robert Malone + Drs. Jill Malone, Byram Bridle, Mark Trozzi (9/20/23)

11 months ago

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” -William Casey, former director of the CIA, 1981.

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Audience members gave a resounding two-thumbs up for Bright Light News Live Panel 4: Fifth Generation Warfare and Propaganda with Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone with guest speakers Drs. Byram Bridle and Mark Trozzi.

In today's world of misinformation (false info (believed to be true) that's not meant to cause harm), disinformation (false info meant to cause harm) and malinformation (true info meant to cause harm, e.g., doxxing and revenge porn, or exaggerated to mislead) controlled by the very arms of govt, media and Big Tech purporting to sniff out "fake news," it's more important now than ever to understand the strategies they use to identify and combat such mass propaganda.

In a comprehensive presentation, Dr. Robert Malone broke down the modern-day, military-grade psychological operations (psyops) deployed on the unsuspecting public to pull off the greatest mass propaganda campaign ever witnessed during Covid-19. He gave the audience the tools to empower themselves to understand how fifth gen warfare works to in turn use it to help take back our freedoms from the the very perpetrators who are usurping them without having ever fired a bullet.

Bright Light News founder, Glen Jung, began the evening with an assessment of our current times, a world of "false equivalence" where govt "science," now a co-opted and branded marketing scheme, compares their apples-to-oranges "evidence" that mRNA vaccines are safe and effective to overwhelming data to the contrary from censored experts.

Next up, Dr. Mark Trozzi, ER physician and World Council for Health steering committee member, delivered a sobering 30,000-foot view of our "new normal" by Dr. with a levity that kept the crowd in stitches without losing the gravity our current situation.

Dr. Jill Glasspool-Malone, vice president and co-founder of the Malone Institute, delved into "Self-Assembling Cults and the Govt" in which govts used proven cult-building techniques to get populations to take the dangerous and ineffective Covid jabs.

Dr. Byram Bridle, PhD, viral immunologist and vaccinologist, delivered unique insider insights into the heartbreaking death of Sheila Lewis, a Canadian woman refused a life-saving organ donor transplant for refusing the Covid shot, while calling out those responsible, "Shame on you! You are responsible for the death of this woman and you know it."

Audience members agree that it was an incredibly empowering and informative evening. Full event video coming soon!

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Thanks to Mike Attard (IG @michael.attard.creates) for the outstanding livestream work and Mitch Fillion (@citizen_camera) for capturing the event and Dr. Robert Malone presentation (coming soon).

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