FEMA whistleblower Celeste Solum: coronavirus PCR “test” involves implanting a microchip

1 year ago

Former FEMA whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the coronavirus PCR “test” involves implanting a microchip.
So the nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR “tests” weren’t tests at all. They implant chips, equip nanobots called Nanites with a brain bioweapon payload, and harvest DNA at the same time.
The PCR swab is inserted directly into the nasopharynx behind your nose and forehead, where your eyes are. It is located at the blood-brain barrier and next to your pineal gland. I believe that with these bioweapons they are disabling people's senses and destroying human intuition and the ability to cognitively recognize what they are doing to us. They numb our senses and target the brain with nanites that carry a charge that Celeste talked about in previous videos. This is war. Serious warfare.
Refuse the “tests,” refuse the masks, and never allow yourself to be pricked with a needle.
Hyperspace in Destiny - Dr Fuellmich
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