Why We All Quit Anime YouTube (ft. supereyepatchwolf3007) | Trash Taste #171

1 year ago
Anime YouTube Trash Taste Podcast Supereyepatchwolf3007 Quitting Anime YouTube Content Creation Online Podcast YouTube Discussion Podcast Conversation Special Guest Trash Taste Episode Anime Fandom Online Opinions YouTube Content Anime Content Content Creators Internet Podcast Online Video Creation Online Discussions YouTube Community Fandom Reactions Creator Insights Online Creators YouTube Industry Content Creation Tips Video Creation Process Anime Fans Online Content Creation Fan Reactions Podcast Guests Podcast Interviews Guest Appearances Content Creation Journey Internet Trends Anime Podcast Quitting YouTube Online Communities Podcast Highlights Podcast Moments YouTube Guests Anime Enthusiasts Online Video Trends Content Creation Stories Podcast Topics YouTube Creators Online Conversations Podcast Insights Online Creators Content Making Online Influence Fandom Controversy YouTube Episodes Internet Discussion Creator Conversations Anime Industry Online Media YouTube Insights Online Talk Show Video Production Online Communities Fanbase Reactions Podcast Interviews Guest Appearances Video Making Process Anime Fandom Reactions Content Creation Process Internet Content Online Podcasting YouTube Talk Show Online Creators Fandom Opinions Anime Podcasting YouTube Guests Online Content Trends Content Creation Tips Podcast Highlights Podcast Moments YouTube Collaborations Online Communities Podcast Discussions Guest Interviews Video Creation Process Anime Fans Online Content Trends Online Podcast Guests Content Creation Journey Internet Trends Anime Podcast Guests Quitting Anime YouTube Online Fandom Reactions Podcasting Insights Online Content Creators YouTube Industry Insights Online Video Creation Tips Content Making Process Fandom Controversies Podcast Topics Anime Creators Online Creators Content Insights Online Influence Anime Fandom Opinions YouTube Content Tips Podcasting Highlights Podcasting Moments Internet Collaborations Anime Talk Online Content Creation Journey YouTube Industry Trends Online Media Insights Podcast Conversations Online Communities Fan Reactions Guest Appearances Online Video Making Anime Industry Insights Content Creation Stories Podcasting Discussions Online Content Creations Creator Conversations Anime Industry Insights YouTube Episode Insights Online Talk Show Guests Online Content Trends Content Creation Tips Podcast Highlights Podcast Moments Anime Enthusiasts Online Media Trends Internet Talk Show Video Production Insights Online Communities Fanbase Opinions Podcast Insights Guest Appearances Online Video Trends Content Creation Process YouTube Talk Show Guests Online Influence Fandom Discussions Podcasting Guests Guest Appearances Video Production Tips Anime Fans Online Content Insights Online Podcasting Tips YouTube Collaboration Content Creation Journey Insights Internet Content Trends Online Talk Show Insights Podcast Conversations Online Communities Fanbase Reactions Guest Interviews Online Video Creation Insights Anime Industry Trends Content Creation Stories Podcasting Discussions Creator Insights Online Media Insights Online Content Creators YouTube Industry Insights Content Making Process Fandom Controversies Podcast Topics Anime Creators Online Creators Content Insights Online Influence Anime Fandom Opinions YouTube Content Tips Podcasting Highlights Podcasting Moments Internet Collaborations Anime Talk Online Content Creation Journey YouTube Industry Trends Online Media Insights Podcast Conversations Online Communities Fan Reactions Guest Appearances Online Video Making Anime Industry Insights Content Creation Stories Podcasting Discussions Online Content Creations Creator Conversations Anime Industry Insights YouTube Episode Insights Online Talk Show Guests Online Content Trends Content Creation Tips Podcast Highlights Podcast Moments Anime Enthusiasts Online Media Trends Internet Talk Show Video Production Insights Online Communities Fanbase Opinions Podcast Insights Guest Appearances Online Video Trends Content Creation Process YouTube Talk Show Guests Online Influence Fandom Discussions Podcasting Guests Guest Appearances Video Production Tips Anime Fans Online Content Insights Online Podcasting Tips YouTube Collaboration Content Creation Journey Insights Internet Content Trends Online Talk Show Insights Podcast Conversations Online Communities Fanbase Reactions Guest Interviews Online Video Creation Insights Anime Industry Trends Content Creation Stories Podcasting Discussions Creator Insights Online Media Insights Online Content Creators YouTube Industry Insights Content Making Process Fandom Controversies Podcast Topics Anime Creators Online Creators Content Insights Online Influence Anime Fandom Opinions YouTube Content Tips Podcasting Highlights Podcasting Moments Internet Collaborations Anime Talk Online Content Creation Journey YouTube Industry Trends Online Media Insights Podcast Conversations Online Communities Fan Reactions Guest Appearances Online Video Making Anime Industry Insights Content Creation Stories Podcasting Discussions Online Content Creations Creator Conversations Anime Industry Insights YouTube Episode Insights Online Talk Show Guests Online Content Trends Content Creation Tips Podcast Highlights Podcast Moments Anime Enthusiasts Online Media Trends Internet Talk Show Video Production Insights Online Communities Fanbase Opinions Podcast Insights Guest

00:00:00 We have a guest
00:01:31 John is hot
00:04:16 John started making videos because he was tilted
00:07:10 How Garnt discovered SEW
00:09:52 What fandom has gotten the most pissed offed
00:15:24 Overreacting over opinions
00:19:37 When did John discover he didn't want to be an anituber
00:22:58 Wrestling
00:25:03 Vessi
00:26:03 Would John do YouTuber boxing
00:27:57 Where did the Garfield video come from
00:32:36 Researching for videos
00:37:03 You won't be a successful YouTuber by paying for courses
00:41:27 Bokksu
00:42:40 Why John likes horror movies
00:45:48 Horror games
00:49:54 Hidden gems
00:53:47 What makes a horror movie good
01:02:22 Not having a specific niche
01:04:11 Martial arts films have fallen off
01:06:15 Lesly Bestington
01:10:31 Connor tried to wrestle
01:16:18 Wrestling is fake
01:19:17 Eyepatch Wolves
01:24:14 One Piece
01:25:05 John gets messages because of Trash Taste
01:27:18 Joey and Garnt get mixed up
01:30:01 Johns first fan experience
01:31:06 Becoming a fire hazard
01:33:57 Video essay length has gotten massive
01:38:48 Old anitube
01:44:01 Videos that John has scrapped
01:47:04 Any videos that John wants to make
01:49:04 Where John got his narration style

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