IMPORTANT Differences Between Cold.Start, Low Temps & Hot Hits

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I often get asked why I be taking dabs the way that I do. One reason Is the Flash Points of various Terpenes and Cannabinoids. To understand and enjoy or just enjoy the entire experience, flavor and aroma and buzz I like a cold start low temp that builds slowly.
I a hot hit can be nice but never heat beyond browning the dab in the banger. Never char the dab. But a hot hit is useful for some situations, like taking the edge off stress immediately or serving as an intense fast acting analgesic.
For a smoother hot drop, avoid beta Caryophyllene, for a harder hitting but and slap down potency go for higher beta Caryophyllene with Myrcene levels under but can be close to the beta caryophyllene. For a slower kick in, seek trans Caryophyllene, if you don't prefer the immediate slap in the face.

I'm dabbing on The Beavs By SunMed Growers / Labs here in Maryland. I picked up another baller jar from The Apothecarium in Cumberland Md. Amazing 5.68% Myrcene levels means it takess a second to gather urself up after these dabs.

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