Andrew Tate BBC Interview Highlights

1 year ago

I'm asking you about the testimony you've given on your website and the testimony you've printed something off that you found on Reddit and you're going to sit here and say that that makes me a bad person. I'm saying that you should know better as a journalist and do some proper journalism. Let's investigate the fact that 1000 should my questions I already have and we should move on. She's just trying to start AR.
and the reason that's very upsetting is because I know that's not true. I'm genuinely a good person. I believe my impact on the world is positive. In fact, if you were to read the comment section of nearly any video I post, especially by the legacy media, 95 percent of the population agree with me. Most people know that the things I. Sarah Paul.
Legacy. Media as a whole has lost all its credibility in the last three to four years. Nobody believes it and it's a shame. It's a massive shame. The BBC come here and try and push and purport this idea that I'm a dangerous person. I'm antirust, I've never pushed drugs or any. I'm anti drugs or antiviols. The UK is facing a nice crime epidemic and they're. They're going to sit here and say that I'm the most dangerous man in the UK. You the most
I find it funny that you're sitting here saying that I've sit the most dangerous man in the world. And and you believe that's when did I say that? I'm telling you that it's very upset.
That you're going to sit here and that certain organizations in the world are going to try and pretend that I'm the biggest force of evil on earth. When I'm genuinely a force for good, I'm genuinely a force for good and the reason they're doing this is because of the massive influence I have over the youth and they don't like that. I'm telling the youth to think outside of the Matrix and ignore things like the BBC, which come here with loaded questions and false narratives and try and paint innocent people as guilty. You've
I've been pushing traditional.
Religious beliefs because I'm a religious man and traditional beliefs in regards to marriage which everybody accepted ten to 15 years ago. That's not. That's not. That's not a crazy conspiracy theory. If you're going to sit here and say that me believing a woman should take a man's last name in marriage makes me the most dangerous man in the world. The NE is going to lose even more credibility than the bbc's already lost in the last four to five years. If that's your point, if that's your narrative, do you want to say that should be
As usual, you've not watched the video, taken out a context, flipped it and attempted it to attack me with a small excel. Let me tell you something. Lucy, I'm sure you're a very nice person. I'm sure you're a fantastic person. But if I were to take everything you've ever said online and just take small Exc. Exerts out of context. I can make you look like a subjects i guarantee it. In fact. I might actually do that and then you're gonna see here and say. Oh shit. I'm a misogyny is because my clips have been taken out of context if you refuse to wash anything at length and understand it. The National Happen.
Because it's unfair for to say I want to walk through the most dangerous neighborhood in the world, but you have to fix the knives. That's what I've said and then're going to sit here and pretend I'm trying to treat women like dogs, which is garbage. Every single man, every single man in the world who loves his woman understands that he has to protect her. And every single woman in the world likes the idea of a woman of a man who would protect her. If you were to say to most women home right now, do you want your husband to protect you in a violent attack? They say. Yeah, of course, nothing I've said is most women.
It's not the same because a woman is a free legal adult. Correct you equal, free legal adult, my equal. But if I had a girlfriend and we were walking home late at night and I said, let's not walk down that area. It's a bad area I have to protect. Everything happens. I want to take the long way and she said. No. I will. I have to walk this way even though it's the most dangerous room i must then when then I would say you're welcome to you could do it. You're free and legal equal, but I'm not going to walk with you and protect you. I think that I should be able to decide the route.
Because I have an obligation and my obligation is a man is to protect and provide for females everything I'm talking about Gen as traditional gender roles which are ten years ago, less than ten years ago would not be considered outlandish, would not be considered crazy, would not be considered dangerous or misogynistic.
If someone broke into this house right now was a homicidtlemaniac. I would expect me and the other men in this room to stand up and face them. While you and you and the other women in this room could protect yourselves. I would actually believe the men should go and engage the attacker. I believe that. And even though I don't know you and you've come into my house with a hostile agenda and you've come here to try and make you look bad, i would still stand up. I would still stand up to protect you. I would still stand up, protect you because I believe that's my role as a man.
I genuinely am a force to good in the world. You may not understand that yet, but you will eventually and I genuinely believe I'm acting under the.
Instruction of God to do good things and I want to make the world a better place. I genuinely believe my legacy is a good legacy and I believe that eventually when the legacy media catches up, they're going to understand I'm a good positive influence. I'm not interested in damaging the world for money because if I was interested in damaging the world for money. I could have sold drugs or I could make rap music and encourage everyone to stab each other.
I could make jokes online, who doesn't? I mean. I could make a joke saying that all the controversial things you said a joke. No, I'm saying that these organizations and the BBC who are going to sit here, but then the I am the face damaging the youth is absolutely garbage. It's completely disingenuous. And the reason and the reason where you were going to ask questions that way to give us the opportunity.
To clarify some things these are very low and so far sorry I have reached and I'm talking right now.
The Things I Teach men are. Stoicism. Discipline.
Self-respect, hard work, obeying authority, listening to your fight coach, working hard in school, making as much money as possible in your job if you actually watch the things I say, if you actually watch my comments about women, I've done long podcasts for hours, long about females. Talk about protecting them, them providing for them how I believe we should be treated in a relationship.
I spend 25 million dollars a year feeding children, men, male children and female children in Turkey and Syria and Iran and Iraq. Iit spent 25 millions dollars a year feeding children and I'm still the worst man in the world because four years ago I made a sarcastic comment.
I don't think that anybody who disagrees with me, male or female, should be trolley. I don't think they should be insulted or attacked. I think the idea should be discussed openly and fairly and mature doesn't matter. A man agrees in me or disagree with me or a female. I don't think my followers should come along an attacker, and if my followers are doing that, I'm upset by that.

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