TheWarAgainstYou Personal Update. Globalist Plans Moving Forward at an Alarming Rate

1 year ago

TheWarAgainstYou Personal Update. Globalist Plans Moving Forward at an Alarming Rate
Greetings Patriots. I just thought I would give you a heads up on my plans.
The Globalists NWO Plans are moving forward at an Alarming Rate.
Even I was shocked to find out how fast they are planning to implement their Agenda.
We are running out of time. Some major events will be unfolding within the next 3 months.
Even I am now being effected by the Darkness of their Evil. In the past I was more shielded from the effects of learning about the Crimes Against Humanity because I have been studying them for so long.
But even I have become dismayed upon learning how their Masterplan is coming together, and how CLUELESS the Masses still yet remain.
Living in the Wake of their Evil 24/7 Year after year is not an easy place to be.
The Darkness Weighs Down Heavy upon you.
Things are now moving forward so fast that it is crucial to get this information out ASAP.
I will be primary focused on researching and writing my next video.
I was planning on doing: Your Government is Trying to Kill You. But I will be doing - Your Government is Trying to Enslave You first, because it is a more Imminent threat that we must take action upon immediately.
I will be posting videos, just not as many while I work on this project. But Please Stay Tuned. I will have some very crucial information for you very soon.
Thanks Patriots
@OratorBlog - TheWarAgainstYou
September 30, 2023

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