1 year ago

We are now living, in real time, with the consequences of getting duped into advocating for our own destruction. Those who are still pretending otherwise are either willfully complicit because it serves their ends or they are in denial trying to hold onto any shred of the worldview they were assured would lead them to a progressive utopia. I understand. It’s hard to come to grips with finding out you put people in power that care more about funding a war on foreign soil than they do funding their own citizens who’ve lost everything. They care more about emptying prisons than they do housing veterans. They care more about mutilating children than they do mitigating rising adolescent obesity. They care more about killing unborn American citizens than they do saving those suffering from mental illness. They care more about cow farts than they do about rising food costs. The Democrats have been in control for almost three years and in those three years they have achieved absolutely nothing that objectively supports the basic necessities of free citizens. In fact they have chosen to be a yoke shackled to the neck of liberty with deliberate intention. We have become distracted by partisan theatrics. We have relinquished our position as the CEO’s of this once great nation and have instead been demoted to the mailroom located in a basement with no windows and only one door that locks from the outside. Who has the key? I know that I don’t because you were tricked into taking it from me when I wasn’t looking. I know that you don’t because you were tricked into giving it away in exchange for  “climate change”. This is no longer a romantic comedy, it’s not a sci-fi flic, or an uplifting drama where the hero prevails in the end. This is a horror movie complete with zombies, vampires, demons, escaped experiments, giant insects (the inedible kind) and animated dolls with no soul. The Pied Piper of Propaganda has put you to sleep and you will either awaken before it’s too late and choose to fight, or you will slumber long enough to be replaced by an illegal alien pod. Oh, sorry, I meant to say, “an undocumented alien pod”.


ON PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/EPISODE-39-GET-READY-FOR-A-PROPAGANDIST-SURGE-e2a0gcc

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