Emerging Threats Symposium - Preparedness and Treatment Solutions, 5G, the Next Plandemic

11 months ago

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Symposium Outline

Approximate Times:
11:50 – Paula - Symposium Open
12:05 – Todd & Ann Vandersteel - Open with identifying the issues above
12:30 – Sean T. & Deb Tavares
1:00 – Dr. Theresa Long - Military experience in stopping the attack from the gov’t and taking/overtaking Public Health Jobs for ourselves
1:30 – Dr. Vliet - Clinical Interaction of 5G/EMF radiation, COVID VAX injury and Hemorrhagic Fever Syndromes irrespective of pathogens inside LNP’s
2:00 – Dr. Chambers – Militarized Public Health – now a DOD/DHA responsibility – Tedros controls DOD
2:30 – Dr. Bill Lionberger & Todd – The medical law enforcement perspective – how to talk to EMS/Fire/Cops
3:00 - Dr. Ana Mihalcea – Bots in the blood – how EMF affects?
3:30 – Dr. Joseph Sansone – Ban the Jabs Movement/Resolutions/strategy
4:00 – David Meiswinkle, Esq. – Petition for grand jury criminal investigation
4:30 – Warner Mendenhall – How city/county governments work and who has power to stop cooperation with plandemic
5:00 - Jeffry Prather – Team America – Fall in On Me
5:30 – Todd & Ann - Wrap

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