Documentary: Strawman 'The Nature of the Cage' (REMASTERED)

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To celebrate 1.4 million views and the 8-year anniversary of the release of the Strawman documentary, the producers have adjusted the content of the film. This is not a different documentary; it has just been edited and cleaned up after listening to viewer feedback and making some adjustments.
Strawman - The Nature of the Cage is a cutting-edge documentary like no other. It highlights the truth around debt, Legal Fiction, Lawful and Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, and modern-day Policing. The film gives a detailed overview as to how you can address these issues in your personal life, offering knowledge on how to Lawfully deal with any kind of authority, if you haven't broken any Laws.

Drawing on the expertise of Trailblazers who have risked everything to deliver this usually unavailable information, Strawman will outline information that you would otherwise be completely unaware of.

John K Webster, who has spent 18 months researching and making this film, has one goal... having noticed the increase in suicides in the UK that relate directly to monetary worries, he says "If this film saves one life, my work is done."

This film applies to everyone, regardless of their personal situation. It is important to know how the system works and more importantly, how it is working for you.

It is said, that you must first know that you are in a cage before you can escape from that cage.

What the creators have done:

1. Re-graded the whole documentary using modern software.
2. Sound mix re-done and dialogue processed better.
3. Shortened overall edit to make the documentary under 2 hours.
4. The text on the screen made bigger, where possible, for mobile phone users and old gits.
5. We have changed and updated the music in parts of the film, additional score, and sound mix by (Patrick Ruane)

NOTE: The website featured in the documentary is no longer available in the form presented within the film. Visit Beat the Bailiffs and the Banks for template letters.

Release Date: 2023

Director: John K. Webster
Writer: John K. Webster
🔗 All Credit To The Nature Of The Cage:

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