Women's Role in The Church According to the Bible

1 year ago

In this episode we take a look at Romans 16:1-2

The Commendation of Phoebe

Romans 16:1-2
“I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea; that you receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and that you help her in whatever matter she may have need of you; for she herself has also been a helper of many, and of myself as well.”

I want to take the time to answer a question that has been the center of many controversies and debates inside the church. Because we have spent time studying Paul’s teaching regarding our relationships as believers within this glorious body of Christ, the church, I thought it would a dereliction of duty if I simply glossed over the obvious issue.

The Question: What ministry are women given in the church?

I believe in scripture as my enduring and only source of authority on all matters of life. I actively work to apply Biblical truths to all aspects of my life by working out my theology and wrestling with Biblical truths.

In my time as a believer, I have met wonderful women in ministry, some of whom were and are leaders, even in the capacity of Pastors and Teachers and while I do not desire an egalitarian society in relation to outcome, I do believe in equal opportunities for all. However, our society at large, both in its governance and culture is Godly only to the extent that men, women and children in the church are Godly. And to be Godly, one must be obedient to the word of God and apply His truth to our lives and not our so-called truths to His word.

Our country has been in at least a 100-year long dance with progressive and liberal ideas. Ideas that have been manipulated and twisted to such evil lengths that they have produced the maniacal reigns of the 20th century, those of Hitler and Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao Zedong.

The church, being a true and living organism that lives in the secular world, has to work, often in pains, to not be overran by the winds of doctrine the world offers up. And while many men and women of God have stood in the face of tyranny and have in Christ’s name yielded the most powerful weapon on all of the earth, the sword that is the Gospel, the word of God, the church has also often capitulated. It has capitulated to the broad strokes of identity politics, but it has also capitulated on questions of sexual immorality, financial gain, capitalistic ideals and also feminism.

Today, our text before us forces us to deal with the last of these. The growing influence of feminism hijacked most recently by the trans-sexual movement, has influenced the church in questions of church governance and the role of women in the Lord’s church.

My goal is not to be political, but Biblical, I will leave the histories and movements that have brought us this far for another time and episode; but I would like to lay before you the following headings that hopefully can guide us to a Biblical understanding of the role of women in ministry, these are as follow:

1. Man and woman, created equal before God – The Image of God
2. Man and woman, given distinct roles in the Garden (Authority and Suitable Helper)
3. The Fall of mankind and the responsibility upon Adam
4. The restoration of Authority and Suitable Helper
5. These 2 roles authority and suitable helper applied in the church
6. These 2 roles authority and suitable helper roles defined and praised

Enjoy the episode and thank you for listening!

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