Joe Biden...A Dead Albatross Around Democrats' Necks

1 year ago

The Biden ship continues to take on water and will not reach the shores of re-election.

Joe doesn’t want to go but, at best Jill Biden does not want Joe to give up.

Bank on it, there is no shot of a conviction on Joe’s Impeachment--if it even reaches the Senate.

So how do the Democrats usher Joe off and who do they get to replace him?

Impeachment won’t rid the Democrats of Joe Biden, and Democrats want and need to get rid of Biden, yet they still will go to the mats to defend him.

What is Jill Biden thinking? Can you imagine what is going through her mind when she sees Joe go before the cameras?

That woman has a lot of anger for her husband, she is manifestly evil.

The democrats are trapped in a jam of their own creation.

Michelle Obama could she win?

Between now and next election everything, and I mean everything is going to get worse.

Failure and destruction is what the Progressives seek.

The ride is going to be brutal and harsh, but it is going to afford us the chance to vanquish for a generation these numbskulls, freaks and communists.

Joe Biden can’t run, but he is going to run and he is going to lose.

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