"Reckless Love" (LYRICS)Cory Ashbury, "GOOD SHEPHERD" MusicMOVIE Video

1 year ago

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Tabernacle of David SON Video Productions, presents the story of "THE GOOD SHEPHERD", who has the audacity to value each one of as much as the whole flock. Leaving the 99 for 1 of us is abundant proof of God's Love of the individual. He didn't just die for all, like a one time sacrifice at a TEMPLE. HE suffered for EACH of us individually, and unfortunately for HIM, but to our benefit, HE is still the "SUFFERING SERVANT", His Love for sinful Israel also.
Therefore out of thanksgiving, "GO AND SIN NO MORE", give HIM all the Glory, and Praise Him Forever. AMEN.

Much Love and thanks; Cory Ashbury video of "RECKLESS LOVE" Official LYRICS here:
Always thanks to Bethel Music:

Our wonderful shepherd movie was produced for Trent Vineyard here:

Thank you Trent Vineyard, such a beautiful video of our "GOOD SHEPHERD" going after
"THE LOST SHEEP", I hope you like our collaboration, made possible by your generous and liberal use of copyright with YouTube, for the work of HIS KINGDOM.
All Glory to the real GOOD SHEPHERD, JESUS, OUR LORD and SAVIOR, Randy
#musicmovies #lyrics

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