Contestando a idade tradicional da Terra | Fortes evidências do Dilúvio universal (Robert Gentry)

1 year ago

Robert Gentry foi um físico nuclear norte-americano conhecido por se dedicar seus estudos sobre Radio Halios, um forte defensor que a Terra foi criada recente apresentando grandes provas e evidências, contrariando os bilhões de anos feita por leis naturalistas do acaso como hoje é conhecido no mundo acadêmico, Robert Gentry publicou em revistas famosas como a Science e Nature, aqui vão 16 publicações dele:

Gentry, Robert V. 1968. Fossil Alpha Recoil Analysis of Variant Radioactive Halos. Science 160, pp. 1228-1230.

Gentry. Robert V. 1971. Radiohalos: Some Unique Pb Isotope Ratios and Unknown Alpha Radio Activity. Science 173, pp. 727-31.

Gentry, Robert V. 1973. Radioactive Halos. Ann. Rev. Nuc. Sci, 23, pp. 347-362.

Gentry, Robert V. 1974. Radiohalos in a Radiochronological and Cosmological Perspective. Science 184, pp. 64-66.

Gentry, Robert V. 1975. Response to J.H. Fremlin’s Comments on "Spectacle Haloes." Nature 258, p. 269.

Gentry, Robert V. 1979. Time: Measured Responses. Eos 60, p. 474.

Gentry, Robert V. 1984. Radiohalos in a Radiochronological and Cosmological Perspective. Proceedings of the Sixty Third Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Volume 1. Part 3. pp. 38-65.

Gentry, Robert V. et al.. 1973. Ion Microprobe Confirmation of Pb Isotope Ratios and Search for Isomer Precursors in Polonium Radiohaloes. Nature 244, pp. 282-283.

Gentry, Robert V. et al.. 1974. "Spectacle" Array of 210Po Halo Radiocentres in Biotite: A Nuclear Geophysical Enigma. Nature 252, p. 564.

Gentry, Robert V. et al.. 1976. Radiohalos in Coalified Wood: New Evidence Relating to the Time of Uranium Introduction and Coalification. Science 194, pp. 315-318.

Gentry, Robert V. et al.., 1982a. Differential Lead Retention in Zircons: Implications for Nuclear Waste Containment. Science 2l6, pp. 296-298.

Gentry, Robert V., Clish, Gary L., and McBay, Eddie H. 1982b. Differential Helium Retention in Zircons: Implications for Nuclear Waste Containment. Geophys. Res. Lett. 9, pp. 1129-1130.

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