2023 Path To Hacking Success:Top 3 Bug Bounty Tips

11 months ago

Continuous Learning and Skill Development: Stay updated with the latest technologies, vulnerabilities, and hacking techniques. Invest time in learning new skills, such as web application security, mobile app security, or IoT security, depending on your interests. Continuous learning is essential to stay competitive in bug bounty programs.

Effective Reconnaissance and Research: Spend significant time on reconnaissance and research before diving into testing. Gathering information about your target, such as subdomains, APIs, and technologies used, can help you identify potential vulnerabilities more efficiently. Tools like Shodan, Censys, and VirusTotal can be invaluable for this phase.

Report Quality over Quantity: Rather than submitting a large number of low-impact or duplicate vulnerabilities, focus on finding high-impact, unique issues. Write detailed and well-structured reports that clearly demonstrate the risk and potential impact of the vulnerability. This not only increases your chances of earning a higher bounty but also improves your reputation in the bug bounty community.

Remember that patience, persistence, and ethical behavior are key to success in bug bounty programs. Always adhere to the program's rules and guidelines, and maintain good communication with the program administrators.

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